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Phoenix for MaYa. iPhone 12 normal size - simulation problem.

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  • Phoenix for MaYa. iPhone 12 normal size - simulation problem.

    Triangles in the Simulation.

    HM !
    All my text was delete.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by XavBo; 13-02-2021, 12:34 PM.
    DE: ERFINDER des Elektroautos „SION"
    EN: INVENTOR / FOUNDER of the electric vehicle "SION".

    Computer #1 (Main) : Windows 10 PRO │ 2xXEON │128 GB │Quadro M4000 │ Quadro K4000 │ MaYa │vRay 5 │Phoenix FD 4 │

    Even I have a powerful Computer ... I NEED CHAOS CLOUD !

  • #2
    Hey, I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Your simulator resolution is very very low - just below one million voxels, and you are looking at the voxel triangle preview (

    How do you want it to look?
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Hi Svetlin,
      I dont know what happens and Im having a look into it now.
      I will come back to you after having a result in this issue or earlier if I can solve this issue.

      Thank you for your answer and the link you sent me.
      I will read the link you just sent me.

      I kept the resolution as low as possible to let phoenix fd run fast so I can find the issue faster.
      DE: ERFINDER des Elektroautos „SION"
      EN: INVENTOR / FOUNDER of the electric vehicle "SION".

      Computer #1 (Main) : Windows 10 PRO │ 2xXEON │128 GB │Quadro M4000 │ Quadro K4000 │ MaYa │vRay 5 │Phoenix FD 4 │

      Even I have a powerful Computer ... I NEED CHAOS CLOUD !


      • #4
        Originally posted by Svetlin.Nikolov View Post
        Hey, I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Your simulator resolution is very very low - just below one million voxels, and you are looking at the voxel triangle preview (

        How do you want it to look?
        I solved the problem.
        The was a connection that broken all and by deactivating the GPU preview and turning the GPU preview back on again, then works everything again.

        This problem came from trying to find the "PG_PhoenixFDSimulator1" which this not exist in the newst version of phoenix - or I dont know how to create them.
        By trying to connect my RGB from the fire "PhoenixFDSource1" to the "Particle Shader" connecting them many times and in different orther and connection nodes, maybe something went wrong.

        Now ...
        Im still trying to connect the RBG to the "phxParticle_set1" as in your examples.
        How to connect the RGB Map to get "velocity" Colors from the created "Phoenix FDParticle Texture"

        Another trouble in which Im running is the thinness of my fluids.
        Why is the difference between the geometry-fluids-emitter to the thickness of the fluids itself?

        Click image for larger version  Name:	2021_02_14___iPhone_12___FAQ_001.png Views:	0 Size:	102.2 KB ID:	1102645

        As you can see in the picture the objects that are the fluids emitter ist 0.0559 cm and the fluids itself are way to thick.

        You can download the test scene I have under:
        Last edited by XavBo; 14-02-2021, 01:19 PM.
        DE: ERFINDER des Elektroautos „SION"
        EN: INVENTOR / FOUNDER of the electric vehicle "SION".

        Computer #1 (Main) : Windows 10 PRO │ 2xXEON │128 GB │Quadro M4000 │ Quadro K4000 │ MaYa │vRay 5 │Phoenix FD 4 │

        Even I have a powerful Computer ... I NEED CHAOS CLOUD !


        • #5
          Originally posted by XavBo View Post
          Another trouble in which Im running is the thinness of my fluids.
          Why is the difference between the geometry-fluids-emitter to the thickness of the fluids itself?
          Ah, this is normal. Your fluid will not just stay still and form a thin line. It will try to curl and mix with the neighboring voxels, meaning it will blur with the next 2-3-4 or more voxels above and below over time. Also, it depends on what kind of Mode your Source is in - if it is in Surface Force mode, or in Volume Inject mode, and the discharge is too strong, it will also transition in the neighboring voxels due to high pressure.
          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


          • #6
            The "PG_PhoenixFDSimulator1" node should be one of the Particle System nodes:

            In newer versions of Phoenix I equalized the naming of these nodes between 3ds Max and Maya, so now they should be called "Particles [...] of [...]"
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              Originally posted by Svetlin.Nikolov View Post

              Ah, this is normal. Your fluid will not just stay still and form a thin line. It will try to curl and mix with the neighboring voxels, meaning it will blur with the next 2-3-4 or more voxels above and below over time. Also, it depends on what kind of Mode your Source is in - if it is in Surface Force mode, or in Volume Inject mode, and the discharge is too strong, it will also transition in the neighboring voxels due to high pressure.
              Hi Svetlin.
              Got it !
              Thank you for your answer.

              Originally posted by Svetlin.Nikolov View Post
              The "PG_PhoenixFDSimulator1" node should be one of the Particle System nodes:

              In newer versions of Phoenix I equalized the naming of these nodes between 3ds Max and Maya, so now they should be called "Particles [...] of [...]"
              OH ! I will definitely have a look into this.
              Thank you !

              I got confuse, because in the files you uploaded I have this "PG_PhoenixFDSimulator1_Liquid_0" (i.e.) node.
              This node appears also in a MaYa versions. i.e. inside this scene Example you will find the "PG_PhoenixFDSimulator1_Liquid_0".


              Particle Shading

              Now that we have the scene setup we need to render it out. By default the Phoenix FD Simulator will be rendered as mesh, though in this case we would like to render out the simulation as particles.

              Select the Simulator and from the Rendering roll-out disable the checkbox for Enable Rendering.

              Create a Phoenix Particle Shader. A new phxParticle_set1 node will appear in the Outliner. This set is used to specify what particles will the Particle Shader be used to render.

              Right-mouse-button click in the Outliner and disable the Show DAG Objects Only checkbox.

              Middle-mouse-button drag the PG_PhoenixFDSimulator1_Liquid_0 node into the phxParticle_set1 set. This node holds the liquid particles generated by the simulator.

              If we hit the render button now you will get something similar.

              This is the reason it was really confusing for me.

              As an example.
              Im trying to connect the phxParticleTex_set1 -> ?
              It cant be to the "Particles [...] of [MESH or GEOMETRY]"


              So I will try to connect:
              phxParticleTex_set1 -> PhoenixFDParticlesTexture1

              But why to a Texture itself ? Dont get it.
              The PhoenixFDParticleTexture1 it is the one that should drive the RGB or Velocity of the desired RGB.

              This is what I mean:
              Last edited by XavBo; 15-02-2021, 07:40 AM.
              DE: ERFINDER des Elektroautos „SION"
              EN: INVENTOR / FOUNDER of the electric vehicle "SION".

              Computer #1 (Main) : Windows 10 PRO │ 2xXEON │128 GB │Quadro M4000 │ Quadro K4000 │ MaYa │vRay 5 │Phoenix FD 4 │

              Even I have a powerful Computer ... I NEED CHAOS CLOUD !


              • #8
                Originally posted by XavBo View Post
                Im trying to connect the phxParticleTex_set1 -> ?
                It cant be to the "Particles [...] of [MESH or GEOMETRY]"

                I think it needs to be exactly what you think it can't be, not sure why. In the Particle Texture's set, you include some or all of the Particle System nodes...
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                • #9
                  I think a Video will explain better


                  The one shows the simulation with colors is the actual model in which Im working.

                  The one without simulation is the one from your Tutorials.


                  BTW ! All the steps are explained here too, but still not working.
                  Last edited by XavBo; 15-02-2021, 09:28 AM.
                  DE: ERFINDER des Elektroautos „SION"
                  EN: INVENTOR / FOUNDER of the electric vehicle "SION".

                  Computer #1 (Main) : Windows 10 PRO │ 2xXEON │128 GB │Quadro M4000 │ Quadro K4000 │ MaYa │vRay 5 │Phoenix FD 4 │

                  Even I have a powerful Computer ... I NEED CHAOS CLOUD !


                  • #10
                    If you're following exactly the steps from the video and it is still not working, then may be there is something specific in your scene.
                    Can you send it over so we can check where the problem is?
                    Georgi Zhekov
                    Phoenix Product Manager


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by georgi.zhekov View Post
                      If you're following exactly the steps from the video and it is still not working, then may be there is something specific in your scene.
                      Can you send it over so we can check where the problem is?
                      Thank you Georgi !

                      You can find the file under:

                      DE: ERFINDER des Elektroautos „SION"
                      EN: INVENTOR / FOUNDER of the electric vehicle "SION".

                      Computer #1 (Main) : Windows 10 PRO │ 2xXEON │128 GB │Quadro M4000 │ Quadro K4000 │ MaYa │vRay 5 │Phoenix FD 4 │

                      Even I have a powerful Computer ... I NEED CHAOS CLOUD !


                      • #12
                        Ahhhh, sorry, I've mislead you Even though the Particle Texture has a set, only the first selected Particle System node in the set is being used. So in order to shade X emitters of drag particles, you also need X particle shaders, with X different particle textures, each plugged in its particle shader's Color Map...
                        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                        • #13
                          Correct !
                          It is not connected, because I did all the possibilities possible as I show you in my Video and Images.

                          So that is the reason why the second is not connected to.
                          If you had a look and you said there is possibility to connect - I will have a look again on it, but until now I didnt find any possibility to get this work as in your tutorial and Videos.

                          Dear Svetlin,

                          As I said thinks are not working at all.
                          I will show you in a Video.

                          I dont know which MaYa Version do you have that maybe works for you, but for me is not working at all.

                          Video is coming.

                          Im using MaYa 2020.4
                          Last edited by XavBo; 16-02-2021, 09:14 AM.
                          DE: ERFINDER des Elektroautos „SION"
                          EN: INVENTOR / FOUNDER of the electric vehicle "SION".

                          Computer #1 (Main) : Windows 10 PRO │ 2xXEON │128 GB │Quadro M4000 │ Quadro K4000 │ MaYa │vRay 5 │Phoenix FD 4 │

                          Even I have a powerful Computer ... I NEED CHAOS CLOUD !


                          • #14
                            Ah, which tutorial and videos do you mean?
                            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                            • #15
                              Hi Svetlin,
                              I mean this video:

                              I mean this tutorial:

                              Ok. I tried really hard and I never get this work as you show in your tutorial and and Video.

                              I did EVERYTHING.
                              There is only one way to change and have the speed or velocity changed, but it is not what Im looking for.

                              What Im looking for here is to follow along your description in the Video and Tutorial which it is not possible to do it.
                              You show extremely COOL and EASY how to render different colors and how to make looks good.

                              I found that you need to run all the time again and again the simulation to have changed the RGB from the fireSim so load the RGB from the Texture.
                              That means:
                              When you check on the RGB in the fireSim and you add a Texture and change the Colors, then you will need to run again the simulation so the Particles color change. You will see this in my Video.

                              After connecting everything you will never be available to render the RGB or the Velocity selecting them from the "PhoenixFDParticleTexture1" Color from Particle Channel -> Use Color From Particles Channel.

                              NOW ! I found something new. If I close the file and just try to change the "Color from Particle Channel -> Use Color From Particles Channel" and change this to whatever should be (RGB, Position or Velocity) will not change.
                              I need to run the whole animation again so I can choose what type of look in the render I want to have.
                              This is just a small simulation. Imagine a huge simulation. You will need to have a free day or week or have another computer so you can be productive and dont get fire.
                              I really need to run the whole simulation so I can change from RGB to Position or Velocity in the "Color from Particle Channel -> Use Color From Particles Channel"

                              I thought I forgot to swtich to vRay Physical camera to run this properly and the result still the same.
                              I thought .... hm maybe in the render settings instead of progressive I need to change to bucket = still the same. Nothing change and I wasnt available to do as you show in the Video and Tuturial.

                              This Video:

                              This Tutorial:

                              You can have a look into my Video that I prove my point and all the tries I did and never works as it showed.


                              And you can download the file to have a look under:

                              WOW ! NOW ! I cant even change the "Color from Particle Channel -> Use Color From Particles Channel".
                              I close MaYa and the file and now is not longer possible to change as before the "Color from Particle Channel -> Use Color From Particles Channel"

                              Oh BOY!
                              Even if I run the whole Simulation.

                              And here is the test that show that is not longer posible to use the ParticlesTexture even if I recreated a new one at the end of the Video.

                              Last edited by XavBo; 16-02-2021, 10:33 PM.
                              DE: ERFINDER des Elektroautos „SION"
                              EN: INVENTOR / FOUNDER of the electric vehicle "SION".

                              Computer #1 (Main) : Windows 10 PRO │ 2xXEON │128 GB │Quadro M4000 │ Quadro K4000 │ MaYa │vRay 5 │Phoenix FD 4 │

                              Even I have a powerful Computer ... I NEED CHAOS CLOUD !

