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Calculate total volume of liquid in sim

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  • Calculate total volume of liquid in sim

    Is there any way to calculate/display the total volume of liquid in the simulation at any given time?

    I have multiple liquid sources of varying sizes all pushing liquid into a simulation and another object draining the liquid out.

    The animation needs to loop so ideally I would be able to match the total liquid being added to the simulation with the total amount being removed.

    Is it simply a case of taking the total number of liquid particles and multiplying it by the grid size?

  • #2
    Yup, that's it - take the number of liquid particles, multiply it by 8 and then by the volume of a voxel/cell in the Grid rollout.

    Note that if the Steps per Frame are low and/or the scene scale is too low, the liquid might compress somewhat, so you might get a lower volume compared to what you calculated.

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

