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Liquid Source doesn't always emit from chosen face ID

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  • Liquid Source doesn't always emit from chosen face ID

    Straight up beginner with Phoenix but finding the tutorials a bit lacking in explanation, especially when trying to adapt them to other scenarios.

    I've got a box, i dont want it to emit a lot of water but a thin sheet of water. I set the face ID to 3 and then in liquid source tell it to use face ID 3 to emit the particles. When I sim, it may or may not emit the particles... I have no idea what is deciding this factor but stop and restarting eventually it will spit a few out and then stop again.

    Is there a minimum size to the emitter? if the size is smaller than the voxel size does it fail to emit?

    Also initial fill of a box never seems to fill the whole box via phoenix properties. It will select half of the box, and i dont mean height wise, just in the length or width, half will fill and drop but the other half is left empty. Adding extra cuts didn't solve this either, as wondered if geometry needed more polygons to help calculate it.

  • #2
    Hey, could you show me screenshots of how these two issues look and the settings you use? Especially the grid rollout and the dynamics rollout.

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Hey, hopefully these screenshots show it fairly well. you can see the box doesnt fill up completely like the counter part below, both just boxes but different sizes. Then the face refuses to emit particles but occassionally it will actually work and send some flying out.

      Making the emitter box bigger helped a bit with filling but not emitting. It seems size has a big part on it but i've been tweaking scene scale and voxel size and it seems very inconsistent at emitting what I want.

      I've uploaded a capture as well to demonstrate the type of sim I want to achieve. I thought this would be a bit more simple than its turned out to be. My first results were very very thick blobby meshes.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        making box longer you can see it cuts out the middle but fills the ends slightly.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Originally posted by Svetlin.Nikolov View Post
          Hey, could you show me screenshots of how these two issues look and the settings you use? Especially the grid rollout and the dynamics rollout.

          is it better to work at enlarged scales and scale down at the end? changing the scale to 25 suddenly allowed more to spawn but now gravity seems to be non existent to what it was like before (i havent touched gravity)


          • #6
            Hello. I can't really say what is going on in your setup. Which emission method are you using in your source? If you are trying to fill the entire volume with Volume Brush or Volume Inject or the Initial Fill up, you don't need to set any IDs on the geometry. And yes, if the geometry is thinner than a voxel, you can expect some of it failing to emit. All of the geometry is being voxelized so they can interact with the simulation. That also means that you need to make sure that all of the objects that interact with the simulation are watertight (no single surface objects). You can make a separate versions that are not renderable to act as obstacles and make them even thicker.

            If you wish, you can send us the scene if that's possible and I can take a look and be more specific.


            • #7
              Indeed, looks like the emitter geometry is too thin, so either you should make it thicker, or increase the grid resolution. To be on the safe side, it even best to have the geometry ar least as thick as TWO grid voxels.

              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                And indeed, changing the scene scale would have such an effect, please check what this option does right here
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

