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Post cache optimization

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  • Post cache optimization

    Hi guys. Is there a way to do a post cache clean up? I remember Fume used to have a feature like this and it worked pretty well to bring cache files down quite a bit in size. I have some vdbs that I'd like to see if I can optimize for transferring reasons.

  • #2

    This sounds like a job for the Phoenix Cache Converter tool. Using the Cache Converter, you can strip away unused grid channels from .aur, OpenVDB or Field3D files, while converting them to .aur or OpenVDB. Here you can find more info, explanations and examples -

    Hope this helps!
    Slavina Nikolova
    QA Specialist, V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Phoenix


    • #3
      OH! I didn't realize you can get channels out with that tool. I haven't ever used it before, and for some reason it's not executing or opening when double clicking on the app icon. Any insight on that? I tried running as administrator as well.
      Attached Files


      • #4

        The cache converter is a command-line tool and in order to use it you will need to open it by using a command line. The easiest way is to go to the cache_converter.exe directory and start a cmd from there. The default path is: C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\3ds Max 20xx for x64\bin\cache_converter
        When the cmd is started, you can drag&drop the ​cache_converter.exe​ - if you press Enter, you will see a list of arguments along with examples.

        In this case, you can use the third example and modify it to remove the channels you don't need:

        cache_converter.exe -srcfile ND2_PhoenixFDFire002_####.aur -dstfile outFile_####.vdb -removegridch Viscosity_phx VelocityXYZ_phx -removeprt Mist Age_phx -removeprt WetMap

        Here is what this line means: Converts all cache files matching the given name, and removes the Viscosity and Velocity grid channels, and the Age channel for the Mist particle system, and the WetMap particle system. All other available channels will be written to the OpenVDB cache.

        ​Hope this helps!
        Slavina Nikolova
        QA Specialist, V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Phoenix

