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particle shader and VRayDomeCamera

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  • particle shader and VRayDomeCamera

    I have a bunch of particles with a Particle Shader applied. I'm using the VRayDomeCamera and there's a single Omni light at the camera position.
    I would have expected all particles to be illuminated, but those around the edge of the frame are dark. Looks like they're not showing well in the alpha channel either.
    What's causing this and how can I fix it. Here's a sample image ..

    Click image for larger version

Name:	particles.jpg
Views:	66
Size:	257.4 KB
ID:	1221387

  • #2

    When rendering in Point mode, changing the Image Output resolution from the Render Settings will affect the appearance of the particles rendered as points. This is due to the fact that points are treated as pixel-sized. If you double the resolution, make sure to double the Point Alpha and Point Radius settings as well.

    Adjusting the Point Alpha nad the Point Radius should help in your case.
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      I tried everything but nothing helped. It doesn't matter where I point the camera, the points fade towards the edge, so it looks like a problem with the VRayDomeCamera.
      I'm having more success with the cellular setting. I can probably achieve the result I'm aiming for with that.

