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Liquid Help

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  • Liquid Help

    Im finding the liquid options a little confusing, and I don't see much help referencing it. Can you point me to a pdf or tutorial that explains how it works. From what I've seen it emits based off of Temperature, or fuel? I also tried opening the surf.max file, and can't figure out how the grid is filling with water. I looked at the script, tried copying the script and paste it into my own grid, just to see if I can duplicate it, and I can't. Not sure what Im missing... But I would LOVE to read a pdf on this. is missing the liquid section.

  • #2
    yes, spot3d is not up to date, but even when it is, the content will be exactly the same as the included chm help (see the additional help section of the max help).
    however, this help is not a tutorial, it is just technical documentation. there is a tutorial in progress, but is still not available. so, for now you have to play with the examples and to ask here, when not all is clear. in general:
    the liquids are simulated in the same engine as the gasses, this means there is no separate engine control for the liquids. there is no dedicated channel for liquid, one of the existing channels should be assigned to play its role. the most used channel is the temperature - it works slightly faster than the other channels.
    the value of 1 of the liquid channel is assumed to be 100% liquid, the values between 0 and 1 are assumed to be particulary filled with liquid.
    a short liquid setup:
    select the temperature as liquid
    set vorticity=0
    set the temperature of the source to be 1
    set solid mode rendering with threshold=0.5
    set the preview range of the temperature to be 0.5 .. 1.5, this is because the liquid can be "compressed" and then the value can be slightly above 1

    keep in mind that all the old gaseous features of the core are active and the meaningless combinations are not prohibited, that can be confusing

    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Thank you Ivaylo!

