Currently I'm working on a scene with a flying object which loses its hull during the flight (kind of like a rocket start). And only during that part I need a slow motion effect. Now my question is what would be the smartest way to tackle slow motion smoke/flames with phoenix?
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Thanks for the qick response once again, just a small follow up question. I take it that everytime the client wants to have something change in regards to speed I have to do a new simulation. Right?
ok good to know. And sadly another question on a different topic but I didn't want to create yet another thread.
The "rocket" animation is pretty long in distance so using 1 simulator box is not really applicable here, so I saw in another thread that its possible to use more than 1 box. I tried that method and encountered 1 problem. After the overlapping part when my rocket leaves the first box the flame splashes onto the upper side of the first box. Even tho every side of the simulatorbox is set to open.
I modified the rocket sample scene to test the method.
So is there a better method for "large scale" firesimulations?
And again big thanks for your help.
don't think so, brute force or cascade connection, no other way. the rocket launch can be simulated with two connected simulators, at least until the moment when the smoke track loses its vertical speed, just is a bit harder because you have to export the temperature and to map the source with it.______________________________________________
VRScans developer
Well those two methods have to do it then. btw excluding one of the boxes did the trick.
Thanks for your support!