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Simulations by and with moving objects

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  • Simulations by and with moving objects

    Is it possible to simulate the interaction with objects that are moving and are at the same time being moved i.e. influenced by the simulator itself?
    For example: Ice cubes are thrown into a glass of water. The moment the ice cubes hit the water, their movement will change because of the water and its own movement.
    Could we simulate that with Phoenix or do we have to emulate that ice cubes movement, keyframe it and then have to simulate the water around it?
    Or is there any other practical way to achieve a realistic simulation of such scene?
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  • #2
    not yet
    this is one of the most important features scheduled for implementing.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Alright. Good to know and looking forward to that! Probably a big thing, since it would mean coding most of 3DSMax simulation features all over again into Phoenix FD.

      I havent used 3DSMax physics simulation yet but do you think it would be possible to simulate the mentioned setup first with the native system and then replace that liquid with Phoenix FD and simulate the liquid again separetly?
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      • #4
        i think the easiest way is just to animate the ice cubes. perhaps you can try some cheats with particle flow and phoenix test operator, but the cube-cube collisions can't be handled.
        VRScans developer

