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Complex pool shape

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  • Complex pool shape

    I have a complex pool shape for an animal exhibit, with curved acrylic, rock, and an underwater acrylic tunnel. How can I have (a) the water confine to the shape of the outer edges and (b) not be inside the tunnel?
    I'm finally getting some usable results with Phoenix and am really excited, but defining the complex shape of the water is pretty important.

  • #2
    not sure that understand the question, the liquid fills any shape, just create the geometry of the pool and use the initial fill up option. is the tunnel above the water?
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      The pool shape is defined by multiple rocks modeled individually, a non-flat bottom and some curved acrylic panels. I've tried to Boolean copies of all the various shapes together including a solid tunnel shape to make a solid shell but the water still forms to the shape of the Phoenix rectangular grid. I've (hopefully) attached an image showing what I mean.

      The tunnel is below the water line so it would be great to not have any water be inside.

      Perhaps I need to make a singular low poly object that is close to all the various rock forms rather than trying to attach/boolean them together.




      • #4
        no need to make union of the different parts, phoenix reacts with each body in the grid. i suppose the default inscribed voxel mode combined with low resolution is to blame. increase the resolution and/or change the voxel mode to circumscribed
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          Thanks for the fast replies!!

          I will run another sim with the circumscribed voxel mode as you suggest shortly.

          Attached are my settings so far - do you think 30mil cells (3" cell size) for a sim this size is too small? From my settings, are there any changes you might suggest? I'm rendering 500 frames now and it's looking good - could use more foam and splashes. I ran a sim the other night that crashed at frame 78 of 500 with .aur files of 2GB I'd like to avoid that is possible

          Thanks again for your assistance!

          (sorry if attachments double post)

          Click image for larger version

Name:	phoneix_test_more3b_settings.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	250.0 KB
ID:	854198
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Use resim for a particles, u can save huge amount of time
            I just can't seem to trust myself
            So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
            CG Artist


            • #7
              Will do, thanks - love saving time!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Paul Oblomov View Post
                Use resim for a particles, u can save huge amount of time
                I've not used this but need to soon - you run the whole sim with splash and foam turned off, and then switch them on and click re-sim?


                • #9
                  the image looks promising
                  ok, about the tunnel
                  you can just "dig" it in the render setup.
                  see the attached scene, it illustrates my suggestion how to manage this.
                  1. no need to cover the deep water with simulation, the surface is the important one, you can reach much bigger resolution if the simulator is as thin as possible.
                  2. render in cap or ocean mode. this will produce infinitely deep water, and you can put the bottom geometry where you want. if you use ocean mode, the land will hide the infinite surface extension, but you still can use part of it if no simulation is needed, if the entire pool needs to have some simulation, render in cap mode, this is the same as ocean, but without infinite extension. the water in both the cases is infinitely deep.
                  3. do not simulate the tunnel, just create a cylinder and assign a vray material with ior=0.8 (or less if you want to make it more visible)
                  why 0.8? the air ior is 1, but the tunnels have walls that are are made of glass. this changes the appearance significantly, because more light is reflected at the glass-air interface. you can spare efforts to make the glass corpus using this little cheat with the ior option of the "air" material. if you prefer the honest setup, create cylinder that represents the air, create a tube with thin walls that particularly overlaps it, and set ior=1 for the air and ior=1.6 for the glass tube.
                  Attached Files
                  VRScans developer


                  • #10
                    Thank you for your input! The tunnel solution is great.

                    I am still not able to stop the water at the inside edge of the tube - in the scene you sent, the tube represents a glass edge we have in 2 locations of our design where people can see underwater. So in your scene, if you make the tube Radius2 something like .76m the water is not contained inside the tube (which is what we need) but rather is the shape of the simulation grid.

                    Is there a way in your scene to only have the water inside the tube? I tried selecting the tube as a Gizmo and Invert Gizmo in the Rendering rollout but the water is still the shape of the grid.

                    I think I'm really close to being happy with the results, but I do need to solve how to keep the water inside the pool along the tube.


                    • #11
                      I also tried replacing your tube with a cylinder (then edit poly - delete top face - add shell modifier) to create a solid "cup" shaped geometry and use that as a Grid Gizmo, but that didn't work either...


                      • #12
                        i see.
                        the initial fill up option fills the entire container, there is another technique that allows you to fill arbitrary part with liquid.
                        however, i still recommend to use rendering tricks to create the areas that must be empty.
                        the tunnel method will work even if you put the camera inside (perhaps the normals must be flipped, not sure), but there is another option to cut off pieces of liquid. you can render in implicit surface mode and use the render gizmo option.
                        VRScans developer


                        • #13
                          Things are looking pretty good - thanks for all your of help!
                          I noticed that render times went from around 12min to 50min using implicit surfaces...I take it given what it's trying to do, that's normal? I may have to find a work-around or try come up with a "render trick" that you mentioned

                          Using the script to render when the sim has completed is great!! Is there a way to send each frame to a renderfarm machine once that frame is done calculating?


                          • #14
                            yes, the implicit surface is slower. you can use mesh mode and boolean operator as alternative of the gizmo, but i think it is slow too.
                            about the scripting, i think the "DOSCommand " is the magic word you need. newer tried it, just looked in the help right now. it allows to execute system commands as if you type them in the cmd console. try with
                            doscommand "copy full_source_image_path \\dest_machine\dest_path"
                            try first in the listener, to see the result immediately, it's not tested and you have to adjust it.
                            VRScans developer


                            • #15
                              Ok thanks - scripting is out of my league, so we'll try work around it.

                              I appreciate all your timely assistance and advice! I'll try share the final results if we can...

