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RGB preview

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  • RGB preview

    I have a flat grid with some nice swirly patterns created by a red emitter and a green emitter. I can see in the preview that the red/green looks cool, even the liquid preview looks good in blue/green. The mesh preview doesn't have colour but looks quite different to the RGB. I am also emitting drag particles from each source.

    I am exporting the particles and loading them in frost to create two coloured 'liquids' swirling around each other. It looks ok and will probably suffice but my question is how do I make use of what I'm seeing in the preview, in particular the RGB?

  • #2
    Hello! If you mean that you are using the RGB grid channel (checked it in the Output rollout) for the liquid and we leave all particles aside - yes, the RGB doesn't show directly in the rendering in Mesh mode. You have to use the PhoenixFD Texmap to red the RGB channel form the simulator and then assign this texture back to the render mesh.

    Unfortunately, if you use the 3ds max version, it will complain about circular reference when you do this, so you have to trick it:
    1. Create a second Phoenix simulator just to load the caches form the original one and point its Input path to the caches. Doesn't matter what are the simulator's size, settings, where you put it in space, etc. You can also make it not renderable.
    2. Create the PhoenixFD texmap, assign it to the original simulator and point it to the new dummy simulator. Set its channel to RGB.
    3. Render
    You can check more info on that here:
    Last edited by Svetlin.Nikolov; 10-10-2014, 12:12 AM.
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      thank you, will try that out.

