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Can we get more details on your waterfall scene?

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  • #16
    Hey there, it is not so much not being able to achieve a waterfall effect - it is the process outlined here that I really want to explore, I just don't understand.

    This comment was posted "Thanks...when you say "there is no geometry" does that mean it is an atmospheric render?"

    This was the reply "the entire waterfall is rendered with the particle shader, the liquid particles in splash mode the mist particles in point mode"

    What does that mean? The end result is amazing and I want to try and replicate it, I just don't get the process - no geo, rendered only with particle shader?

    If someone could elaborate on that, PERFECT


    • #17
      I'm not really sure how it could be elaborated more. you use the particle shader object to render the water - like how splashes are set up, but it uses all the particles. the mesh from the simulation is not used.

      Use this -
      and set the liquid particles to splash mode. disable the mesh rendering of the main sim.


      • #18
        Thanks Neilg Here comes possibly the dumbest question you will see all week. If the mesh is disabled at the time of rendering, what renders for the water where there are 'calmer' sections of the waterfall - i.e. the part leading up to the edge. i.e. if the camera follows the water down from the top a bit.. catching some splash on rocks and then over the edge. Where is the actually body of the water rendered from.

        I have the 4 shaders in the scene. Liquid and Splash - as Splashes, Foam as Bubbles and Mist as point. The water itself if being rendered as splashes and the mesh disabled is the stumbling block in my head.


        • #19
          What I understand is that it is using the total simulation's particles, that is, all of what you can can see if you enabled the mesh.
          When you disable the mesh and use just the particles you get the 'impression' of the waterfall without having any actual geometry.
          You will not therefore see that calmer water as it is not rendering the mesh itself. You would need a separate comped render for that.


          • #20
            Disabling the mesh, is that just setting it to volumetric in the render mode?


            • #21
              Un-check Enable Rendering of the simulator


              • #22
                I'm with you stelees I'm very confused about the process of this. Are you simulating just particles? Or your simulating the liquid but not rendering it? If so then what is the point of simming the liquid? And I still cant find how to not render the liquid mesh? I don't see a Enable Rendering button anywhere? Are you talking about in the object properties? Maybe a screen cap of the location of that button.

                Maybe just a small test scene could be uploaded just to see how you are getting the effect and the render settings. I understand it may not perfectly suite what we are looking for but maybe it will give us insight on the theory of how its being simulated.


                • #23
                  ok.. you guys must be on max..
                  In maya.. you uncheck rendering of the liquid simulator.. create another particle shader in addition to the 3 you have already, splash, foam and mist, and it creates a new "phxParticle_set" and the liquid particle group.. "PG_phoenixFDSimulator_Liquid" connects to that. Then set that particle shader to spalshes.. all the simulated particles get rendered.
                  im not too familiar in max.. in maya phoenix nodes connect in maya sets
                  Last edited by plsthatspls; 02-03-2020, 03:39 PM.


                  • #24
                    3ds max - correct.


                    • #25
                      Still, as in maya, in max the liquid particles are represented by a particle group just as the splash, foam and mist are.. what connects those particles to their respective particle shader?


                      • #26
                        Hey, yeh I have shaders attached to Liquid, mist, fog, splash... I am just missing the piece about disabling the mesh. THEN it will be a matter of mess around with the shader settings to come up with something remotely ok looking.


                        • #27

                          The liquid particles are meshed by the simulator. So if you wish to disable the mesh from rendering in 3ds Max - just right-click over the Liquid Simulator and disable the "Renderable" checkbox.

                          In Maya in the Rendering rolloult there is a checkbox to disable the rendering.

                          Georgi Zhekov
                          Phoenix Product Manager

