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Ocean splash and flip

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  • Ocean splash and flip

    Is flip ready for use with the ocean yet?

    What´s important to get right if I wanna drop a big sphear 1m of size and have a big splash with foam and a smooth ending.

    I´ve no success so far..

    My tries have problems with the ocean level changing all the time. Not linear so it can´t be animated...

  • #2
    the most common problem in such cases is that you must have big enough container to handle the waves caused by the sphere, otherwise they will hit the borders.
    can we see your result as animation? i'm sure it's only a setup question
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      I have no animation to show you right now. I´ll see if I can make one soon...

      But what can help the level from not changing over time ? It´s just a simple sphere rising up..

      When you do the ship it stays the same every frame, does´nt it?


      • #4
        I started with the ship scene, and made the grid smaller for my test. But when I look att it now I see that it´s 500m wide and the sphear is 50m radius. That´s weird. Maybe that is why it´s behaving odd?? Always scale issues haha


        • #5
          And on top of this a had a drying time od 0,01 instead of 10000. I have too much in my head right now. Nothing is right!!!... sorry for bothering you with this...haha


          • #6
            Here´s what it looks like when I finally got it right. What I need now is to get the drops to "chain" more. I used a valule of 5 here. However it keeps crashing when I try higher values..

            There´s not much motion blur and really close, so I can see what´s going on.

            Any other suggestions?



            • #7
              the splash particles must be dense enough in order to have the effect of chaining, in your video it seems like their count is not quite big and they are not dense enough. can you tell the particle count, it's shown in the main panel. even better post a screenshot of the all simulation related panels opened
              VRScans developer


              • #8
                well, better attach the scene, i have the suspicion that the splashes behavior is not like before and perhaps not the settings are to blame
                VRScans developer


                • #9


                  • #10
                    sorry for the delay, we had another tasks to finish.
                    your scene is now on the table, hopefully until the end of the day we will give your suggestions how to resolve the problem
                    VRScans developer


                    • #11
                      well, now i can say more. first, it's very probably that you are using a build that produces worse splash formations (they tend to become spherical form), but not only this is the reason.
                      your settings are also very unfriendly to the good splash appearance for two reasons - you just have not enough splash particles to get them interacting with each other, and your spf is only 1, that is for low dynamics scene (like creams, chocolate, slow rivers), a ball hitting liquid has definitively high dynamics and needs more spf for good results.
                      in the attached images you can see four different results got by splash multiplier 1,5,and 15 and the last one is simulated twice, with spf 1 and 2. there is one last disturbing thing - you have some split rate of the splash, that produces mist particles, but you are not rendering them. if you don't need the mist, disable the splash split, this will keep your splash formations longer time alive.

                      so, just download the latest nightly, set spf 2 or 3 and set the splash multiplier to 15 or even bigger value , decide about the split rate, if you want no mist in the rendering, set it to zero. and no need to use chaining 5, i think above 2 it's pointless. and set the start frame to 22, no need to simulate the frames before the hit of the ball.
                      Attached Files
                      VRScans developer


                      • #12
                        Ok thanks, I will try with your suggestions.


                        • #13
                          First I needed to make a new scene since the old one crashed on start. After that it worked perfect at first and I thought this is a really stable version. Then it started crashing no matter what i did. What happens when it first is ok and stable with certain settings and all of a sudden not? Enlighten me...

                          Is it storing something that I need to clear ? Something that builds up after each crash. Im not good at this.


                          • #14
                            no, i think this is entirely our fold, even if you make something wrong a crash is not acceptable result. can you prepare a scene that crashes to see what is wrong?
                            VRScans developer


                            • #15
                              Ok I will upload the scene. Despite from the crashing. When I´m making this splash, Im thinking of more of a delay for the splash. Now it comes as soon as the ball touches the water. in real world the ball first penetrates the surface, then throws the pushed down water back up again followed by a splash when the waterwall cant hold back the surface anymore. If you understand what I mean...

