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Phoenix FD : problem Mixing trickle of blood in a water river

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  • #16
    there were two missing things
    - the simulator was not exporting the rgb channel as grid
    - the blood shader (the smoke) had no content, really it does not need content because we use texture to render, but we reject simulators with no content from the rendering. perhaps we have to remove this restruction, but for now it exists.
    there are two ways to add content, simulating several frames and enabling the "load nearest if missing" option in the input, or just using the content of the liquid simulator, as i did
    Attached Files
    VRScans developer


    • #17
      Oh god my bad, I know I missed something.... Thanks a lot, again, M. Katev.

      Have a nice day


      • #18

        I got another little problem....

        (I reformulate my problem more clearly)

        See the pictures below. On the left side there is my Water that I put yellow to see the problem more clearly and on the right side of the picture there is my Blood material that I put red. My problem is that the Blood simulator seem to not only control the material of the first simulator, it seem that it also create a copy of the original geometry. The geometry created by the blood simulator overlap the first one and create some bug. I'm worried that this will cause flcikering problem on the render. As you can see on the picture below, you can clearly see the two geometry overlapping each others on the right side of the picture, creating a orange color instead of a pure red.

        Yellow opaque water and red blood

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Problem_Phoenix_01.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	40.6 KB
ID:	858867

        Yellow water and red blood.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Problem_Phoenix_02.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	47.5 KB
ID:	858868

        What I need is two distinct looking liquid that is mixing together ; Water and blood. I need to control its properties indiviually (Color, transparency, reflection, etc)
        Last edited by alexish657; 11-11-2015, 07:37 PM.


        • #19
          there is only one geometry, representing the liquid surface, it's the same for the water and the blood. the smoke shader is those who makes the blood to be not like the water, and it must use the liquid simulator as cutter , this is all.
          VRScans developer


          • #20
            So what you say is that my scene is not set up correctly ? Because as you can see in the pictures below, I made two render. The first one with my water material greenish at 50% of transparency. You can see the Blood material, that is completly red, overlapping the water.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Problem_Phoenix_03.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	100.9 KB
ID:	858875

            In the second picture, every setting is the same but there is only the blood material showing, the water simulator is hidden. As you can see the Blood material is suppose to be pure red. So what you say is that there is no way to made the water and the blood material completly independant ? Because the reflection of the blood is driven by the water material overlapping the geometry of the blood.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Problem_Phoenix_BLood_Only_04.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	25.9 KB
ID:	858876

            A close up of the blood part of the simulator, plus a part of my material settings.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Problem_Phoenix_04.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	509.7 KB
ID:	858877


            • #21
              the blood "material" as not a material, it's a red smoke. yes, there is no way to use independent liquid materials, at least not a realistic way, this solution works only for mixture of transparent liquid and colored turbid liquid. if you need mixture of two colored turbid liquids there is completely different setup. of course you can use the blend material, but it gives worse result, because the blend material is surface based,not volumetric based.
              VRScans developer


              • #22
                ok thanks I think I understand. So what I see in my render when the blood material showing reflection is in fact the water reflective material overlapping the blood red "smoke" ? I'm just a little worried that when I will render my animation that there will be flcikering issues cause by the Water geometry and the Smoke shader.

                So for my setup this is the best way to do it ? SO I need a completly transparent material for my water and then I can ajust the color of the blood with the smoke shader, is it right ?


                • #23
                  yes, exactly. about the flickering - the water geometry must be used as cutter for the gizmo. the rgb channel spreads outside the liquid, and using the cutter must ensure clear surface, with no flickering.
                  VRScans developer


                  • #24
                    Ok thanks a lot for your patience M. Katev, I will test the animation to see if there is a problem with the animation.


                    • #25
                      Do we have a proper way of blending two liquids with different properties? Or it is still impossible?
                      I just can't seem to trust myself
                      So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
                      CG Artist


                      • #26

                        That is still on the to do list I'm afraid.
                        Georgi Zhekov
                        Phoenix Product Manager

