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Water Settings

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  • Water Settings

    Could anyone tell me what the settings would be to make natural flowing water using the LiquidSrc and LiquidSim.

  • #2
    Do you use the nightly build? Have a real world scaled scene and just emit some water. Tweak from there Generally default settings produce good results for basic flowing water.
    Adam Trowers


    • #3
      If you find your result unnatural, show us an image or movie and tell us which part exactly is not as expected
      VRScans developer


      • #4
        I need some help figuring out the right settings to make a natural splash effect with a liquid sim. I understand if I increase the spf it act more natural but then the animation is to quick, then if I use the time scale to slow it down it doesn’t look natural. What is a good balance. Attached is a movie of my animation as well a wetransfer of my file. If you could apply settings and send it back to me so I can see what settings you used that would be very helpful.

        Using: Max2016
        Phoenix FD: 22050_max2016_vray_30_x64_26561

        File for download:


        • #5
          if you find the animation quick, this is a good condition, you can use slower spf that simulates faster, and use bigger scale. the bigger scale will give you slower animation, don't use the time multiplier for this simulation, it will decrease the source amount too, use bigger scale. you can change the general scale from the max settings, or use the scale multiplier of the simulator.
          VRScans developer


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
            or use the scale multiplier of the simulator.
            I might be misunderstanding, but where is the scale multiplier in the sim settings? Changing scene scale in Max settings is doable, but having a scale control in pFD would be sweet.


            • #7
              Scene scale in Dynamics rollout
              Adam Trowers


              • #8
                I'm over-caffeinated at the moment so I might be scanning right over it, but I can't find it! My dynamics roll-out looks exactly like the one in the docs:


                • #9
                  Oh you are on the official build.. Been about a year since I used that! I don't think the offial build has scene scale option (
                  Adam Trowers


                  • #10
                    my mistake, i decided you are using nightlies, better ask the support for nightly access, you will be able to achieve much better results with it
                    VRScans developer


                    • #11
                      Oh man! I'm doing a lot of PFD work right now... must have... sending request now.

