Hi, Im trying to create a liquid swirl on a pool, and I have already tried the max vortex force to achieve the look I need to, but it seems that you have to add another force like a wave or something to get those swirl lines properly, because if not, the liquid will be flowing around the core without any ripple or interesting behaviour, also, the vortex space warp is quite difficult to setup for something like this. Now Im trying a different approach, and is using and old plugin from Blur Studio called Maelstrom Map. It is a procedural spiral (it has also rings but for this case I reduced them to 0) and it has a phase that let you animate its rotation. I have tried using it on the displacement on the rendering tab of phoenix and it looks ok (in this case I had to set it to explicit map channel), but now Im wondering if I can use it in the wave force to drive the simulation. I have tried it with a huge value without any luck. Im wondering of you can help me, give me any tip or if you think there might be any good different way to do this.
Here is an image of how it looks with the displacement
Here is an image of how it looks with the displacement