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Legacy support

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  • Legacy support


    Just checking to see that PHX 3 should be able to render a sim that was done January 2016. I assume I could have been using the nightlies back then.

    Just opened a scene up and data displays in viewport but nothing in render. Shall triple check things to make sure I'm not doing something stupid

    Max 2017 Vray 3.5

    ** Loaded via VolumeGrid as no time to figure it out... works that way though
    Last edited by flipbook; 18-01-2017, 05:42 AM.
    Adam Trowers

  • #2

    It should be rendering. Can you send the scene to the support guys so we can check it?

    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Sorry I will try get around to preparing a scene!

      At the moment I got the deadline for next week and its re-rendering an old project done with PHX2 nightlies so as a work around I have installed Phoenix from 25th Jan 2016 or so and gone back to Max 2014 which has vray 3.4 on. Dont have time to try get it working correctly in 2017/phoenix 3/vray 3.5 :P
      Adam Trowers


      • #4
        Something weird going on.. I cant render anything that has a fire/smoke sim but displays in the viewport. Going to reinstall Phoenix/vray!
        Adam Trowers


        • #5
          Looks like things are working now on the rendering front after reinstalling ... wish I would have done that before rather than downgrading to Max 2014! Ha
          Adam Trowers


          • #6
            Huh, seems like we have to bump the installer guys. Do you have issues with improper installation often?
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              Yes, a lot with phoenix and vray.
              Adam Trowers


              • #8
                Installing todays nightly and get this error this time:

                Installation errors summary:
                FAILED to remove C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\3ds Max 2017 for x64

                Run the install again and gets through with no errors
                Adam Trowers


                • #9
                  Is it the same thing every time? Does anything fail in the 'show details' log in the installer? Also, it turned out that although it's claimed that the installer does not need to be run as admin, it still makes a difference sometimes...

                  EDIT: Ah, dang it, that's what happens when a message stays half written for two hours Thanks, that's a good clue!
                  Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

