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Scattering Phoenix sims

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  • Scattering Phoenix sims

    Hey Artist.

    My team and i have a interesting problem where we need to set a large forest on fire. Trying to think of solutions that will be renderable. One solution is scattering a Phoenix fd Fire simulation utilizing the same Distribution as the tree (Forest Pro). This is a large areal shot that has a lot of trees on fire in it.
    One solution is scattering cards of fire on the trees for the desired result. We would prefer a sim cached rather the an image sequence. Does anyone have ideas on this or know if scattering phoenix fd sims with a software like Forest Pack would work.

    thank you

    john nelson
    picture shop post
    john nelson
    CG Supervisor at Picture Shop LA

  • #2
    One idea: I haven't used forest pack but does it provide individual transforms (pos/rot) for scattered trees after the scatter is complete? If so, it would be pretty quick to write a script to distribute volume loaders aligning to those transforms. You could also add in a random offset for the cache frame so the whole forest fire could be mainly a single, longer sim.
    Josh Clos
    FX / 3D Generalist


    • #3
      I am not sure if that data can be extracted from the forest pack. It will be a avenue that i can look into. Thank you
      john nelson
      CG Supervisor at Picture Shop LA


      • #4
        Originally posted by johnnelsonvfx View Post
        I am not sure if that data can be extracted from the forest pack. It will be a avenue that i can look into. Thank you
        If not, perhaps you can scatter points in the same way using forest pack then align to those? I probably should have looked into how forest pack works before I commented, sorry I'm not more help. Best of luck
        Josh Clos
        FX / 3D Generalist


        • #5
          can volume grids be instanced in 3.6?


          • #6

            This is still in the to do list I'm afraid.
            Georgi Zhekov
            Phoenix Product Manager

