I'm rendering a fluid as 'splashes' to resemble flowing beads and I'm having a problem with the color. Foam color has no influence over the render result, always 0/black. The distributed render in the screenshot shows buckets from PFD v.3.00.02 (lighter) and v.3.04.00 (darker) - the older version renders the particles with the correct color. Is this the correct way to assign color to the splash particles? If this is a bug, is it fixed in the nightlies? I don't see phoenix in my nightly list. Should I roll back to v.3.00.02 for this? Thanks in advance!
I'm rendering a fluid as 'splashes' to resemble flowing beads and I'm having a problem with the color. Foam color has no influence over the render result, always 0/black. The distributed render in the screenshot shows buckets from PFD v.3.00.02 (lighter) and v.3.04.00 (darker) - the older version renders the particles with the correct color. Is this the correct way to assign color to the splash particles? If this is a bug, is it fixed in the nightlies? I don't see phoenix in my nightly list. Should I roll back to v.3.00.02 for this? Thanks in advance!