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Foam color not working?

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  • Foam color not working?


    I'm rendering a fluid as 'splashes' to resemble flowing beads and I'm having a problem with the color. Foam color has no influence over the render result, always 0/black. The distributed render in the screenshot shows buckets from PFD v.3.00.02 (lighter) and v.3.04.00 (darker) - the older version renders the particles with the correct color. Is this the correct way to assign color to the splash particles? If this is a bug, is it fixed in the nightlies? I don't see phoenix in my nightly list. Should I roll back to v.3.00.02 for this? Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    Hey, here's how to get access to the nightlies if you don't see them now:

    Please check how it looks with a latest nightly or send the scene over and I'll see what's going on

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Updated to the latest nightly, thank you for access! This issue is still existing in the latest build (11/13/17), however I think I have pin-pointed the issue. I've attached the scene file.

      It appears that vray lights only have no effect on the foam. The particles render the correct color when there are no lights in the scene or when using max standard lights (ie spotlight). When using a vray light, particles render black only, and take a long time to render.

      How to use the scene file:
      1) Sim 1 frame, should fill half of container.
      2) Render, toggle max standard lights and vray lights on/off to see result.

      Let me know if you need any clarification or testing, thanks!
      Attached Files


      • #4

        Your scene needs a few tweaks and it should render okey.

        You have set the scattering to "Enabled" and you have Render as Geometry turned on in the Particle Shader - if you wish to use those you will need to turn GI on. This way the light will scatter correctly. If you decide to go this way you will need to change the environment color as in your scene it's set to black and there is nothing to reflect.

        If you wish to render without GI - you can turn off the Geometry mode and set the scattering to Approximate+Shadows and you should be good to go.
        Georgi Zhekov
        Phoenix Product Manager


        • #5
          That's it. Thank you! I think I mixed up two different approaches.

          I need to have render element support, so I'm keeping geometry mode on, turning on GI and adding an environment to reflect.

