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Waterfall - What am I doing wrong

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  • Waterfall - What am I doing wrong

    Hey all,

    HELP I am really not sure what I am doing wrong with this setup. I Think I am working with the correct settings, but the splash just doesn't ever look waterfallish. Firstly I cannot seem to capture the motion blur of the splash that you see with a waterfall even though velocity is exported and the camera is rendering with motion blur.

    Also, I really just want to get that pooling of mist effect at the bottom of the drop, that seems to be eluding me also.

    I would really love for someone to look at this and let me know what I should be doing in order to achieve a better looking fall.

    Thank you.
    Attached Files

  • #2

    For the Motion Blur:
    Go to the Particle Shader of the Splashes and scroll till the bottom of the General settings tab. There you will find the "Motion Blur Multiplier" option. When increasing its value you will affect only the Splashes' Motion Blur.

    In addition, you could experiment with different Modes of the Particle Shader to create more interesting results.

    For the Mist:
    As I can see from your scene, under the Splash/Mist rollout the "Splash to Mist" amount is quite low, so you may consider increasing it till you achieve your desired result.

    For reference you can check how our Waterfall preset works. Other thing that could help you is the template scene "Liquid Cascade simulation", located in our documentation:

    Hope that helps!
    Last edited by slavina.nikolova; 24-01-2020, 05:54 AM.
    Slavina Nikolova
    QA Specialist, V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Phoenix


    • #3
      I have tried the cascading technique but the join is just a mess? The same settings is across both of the sims for consistency. I have no idea how to ensure the grids are the same when they are completely different sizes, so I assume that is going to be a big issue there.

      The technique works perfectly, I can see the particles carry from one sim to the second one, but the join.. what a mess?

      Is there something I should be doing that would allow for a smoother particle transition for the foam, splash and such?


      • #4
        The bigger the overlap I use the bigger than area is.. weird thing is 'some' of the particles seem to cross over but not all..

        The particle shaders I use are like the cascade example.. one shader per foam, splash, mist with multiple fluid sources in them.


        • #5
          Hmmm, just a wild guess, but what if you untick the Liquid Simulator connection for all particle shaders?
          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


          • #6

            I couldn't reproduce it here. Can you send over the scene?

            Thanks a lot!
            Slavina Nikolova
            QA Specialist, V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Phoenix


            • #7
              hey, nah I tried that also.. same deal.. as wide as the overlap is then that weird bar is present. I even tried having the grids barely touching each other but then it just failed completely.


              • #8
                Yup, if you can send over the scene it would be best. Are you starting from the template scene btw? Are your Phoenix and V-Ray versions up to date also?
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                • #9
                  I'll get something attached to here tonight when I am back home. I am on the latest version of Vray and Phoenix as of about 2 weeks ago.

                  I created a new sim but based on the way the cascading one worked. I have three grids. Grid 1 has the emitter in it, grid 2 overlaps gird one and the cascade solver is set to 1. Grid 3 over laps grid 2 and the cascade solver is set to grid 2. I have three shaders (foam, mist and splash) all with the relevant particle types from all three grids in and the solver is unticked. The particles cascade across all three, just that really weird bar.

                  I'll attach something later. A question I had which I may as well put here also, how does grid sizing work. All three grids are different sizes (hence using cascading) but what it she line of thinking about cell size.. How do you align the cell size across different grids when they are all different sizes to ensure consistency of the cascade?



                  • #10
                    Here you go. I would love to hear you say "just click this" and it's fixed. Anyway, appreciate the help you guys offer.

                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      We can't seem to reproduce the problem here with Phoenix version 2020011029790 from 10 Jan, and V-Ray from the same day. Simulating the 3 sims in sequence and rendering works correctly. We are doing a lot of changes so there are some bugs in the nightlies now and then - the exact version (called Build ID) of your nightly from the About box would save some time in reproducing the issue.

                      Thank you!
                      Last edited by Svetlin.Nikolov; 28-01-2020, 02:29 AM.
                      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                      • #12
                        4.00.00, Build ID: 20191113 - I can't see anywhere in my downloads to get anything newer?


                        • #13
                          Ah, okay, check this out:

                          I also highly recommend this page to everyone using Phoenix since here we summed up all the essentials that might make a big difference for your work:
                          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                          • #14
                            also, on cascading... how do you manage the grid sizing - that is something I haven't seen referenced anywhere.. it is just a matter of eyeballing the cell size per grid based on the little indicators when you zoom in?


                            • #15
                              Are you able to put a couple of screenshots in of the end result. I am just not getting the rendered particles to work at all. The sim flows through.. but they may as well be different with the way they look. Both Vray and Phoenix nightly builds are in place.

                              Last edited by stelees; 28-01-2020, 03:12 AM.

