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milk and choc tutorial , rendering issues with possibly the PhoenixFDTexture2D

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  • #16
    Please check the INPUT rollout
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #17
      ah , sorry never mind , i just noticed the browse for file option ... before , I was trying to copy n paste absolute path


      • #18
        ha ! ah yes .. thanks Svetlin


        • #19
          so.. updated the path using the browse button , I selected the first cache file in the directory , on doing so the Preview and Render Path defaults to "data\medical_tube_sim_test_004.mb_Phoenix_fra mes\ PhoenixFDSimulator1_####.aur" and won't allow me to add the D;\ etc to the string... so I left it as per the image attached...
          unfortunately the batch render is not succeeding ... here's the mayaRenderLog.txt :

          V-Ray: Starting render
          [2020/Oct/14|08:57:02] V-Ray: Exporting scene to V-Ray.
          [2020/Oct/14|08:57:02] V-Ray: Parsing light links time 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
          [2020/Oct/14|08:57:02] V-Ray: Translating scene geometry for V-Ray
          [2020/Oct/14|08:57:02] V-Ray: Exporting Phoenix FD Simulator for V-Ray version 5.00.20
          [2020/Oct/14|08:57:02] V-Ray error: There was a fatal error building the scene for V-Ray.
          [2020/Oct/14|08:57:02] V-Ray: Clearing exporter memory...
          [2020/Oct/14|08:57:02] V-Ray: Total time clearing exporter memory 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
          Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2020/scripts/others/mayaBatchRenderProcedure.mel line 653: Renderer returned an error while rendering 'defaultRenderLayer', please verify the output image.
          Scene D:/projects_current_trboDrv/amarantine_project/scenes/medical_tube_sim_test_004__40720.mb completed.

          if I set the input back to default , then the batch render goes ahead but obviously doesn't have the sim..

          Attached Files
          Last edited by ignuf; 14-10-2020, 01:19 AM.


          • #20
            Hmm this looks like something else. From the console log it looks like V-Ray is crashing.

            Can you send over the Phoenix log file which is in C:\PhoenixFD

            Phoenix version and Build ID would be helfful as well - you can check how to find them here -

            Georgi Zhekov
            Phoenix Product Manager


            • #21
              hi Georgi,

              phoenix fluid dynamics ADV for Maya 2020 / V-Ray 5.x
              version 4.30.00, Build 20200912


              Phoenix Fluid Dynamics ADV for Maya 2020 / V-Ray 5.x,
              version 4.30.00, Build ID: 20200912 from Sep 12 2020

              Log Started on 2020.10.14, 17:04
              Windows version: 6.2
              Platform: x64
              Memory info: Total: 31.922 GB; Free: 14.969 GB

              [INFO] Loaded C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\phoenixfd\plug-ins\phoenixfd_exporter.dll

              [INFO] Loaded C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\phoenixfd\plug-ins\texture_sampler_vray_maya.dll

              [INFO] Loaded C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\phoenixfd\plug-ins\distance_measurer_phx.dll
              MAYA::initializePlugin setGlobalThreadManager
              #NodeSim::updateNodeVersion() - file version 55
              PhoenixFrameData refCount=1 3003D040 1, I:0, D:\projects_current_trboDrv/phoenixFD_tutorial_Project/data/medical_tube_sim_test_005.mb_Phoenix_frames/PhoenixFDSimulator1_0058.aur
              frame loaded D:\projects_current_trboDrv/phoenixFD_tutorial_Project/data/medical_tube_sim_test_005.mb_Phoenix_frames/PhoenixFDSimulator1_####.aur, 58000
              PhoenixFrameData refCount++ 3003D040 2, I:0, D:\projects_current_trboDrv/phoenixFD_tutorial_Project/data/medical_tube_sim_test_005.mb_Phoenix_frames/PhoenixFDSimulator1_0058.aur
              PhoenixFrameData refCount-- 3003D040 1, I:0, D:\projects_current_trboDrv/phoenixFD_tutorial_Project/data/medical_tube_sim_test_005.mb_Phoenix_frames/PhoenixFDSimulator1_0058.aur


              • #22
                ive updated vray to the latest version hoping it'll fix things
                Last edited by ignuf; 14-10-2020, 11:42 AM.


                • #23
                  same issues :-

                  vray 5 for Maya hotfix 1 (v5.00.21 from Sept 30 2020)


                  Phoenix Fluid Dynamics ADV for Maya 2020 / V-Ray 5.x,
                  version 4.30.00, Build ID: 20200912 from Sep 12 2020

                  Log Started on 2020.10.14, 20:04
                  Windows version: 6.2
                  Platform: x64
                  Memory info: Total: 31.922 GB; Free: 18.969 GB

                  [INFO] Loaded C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\phoenixfd\plug-ins\phoenixfd_exporter.dll

                  [INFO] Loaded C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\phoenixfd\plug-ins\texture_sampler_vray_maya.dll

                  [INFO] Loaded C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\phoenixfd\plug-ins\distance_measurer_phx.dll
                  MAYA::initializePlugin setGlobalThreadManager
                  #NodeSim::updateNodeVersion() - file version 55
                  PhoenixFrameData refCount=1 7664E070 1, I:0, D:\projects_current_trboDrv/phoenixFD_tutorial_Project/data/medical_tube_sim_test_005.mb_Phoenix_frames/PhoenixFDSim1_medTubeulator_0101.aur
                  frame loaded D:\projects_current_trboDrv/phoenixFD_tutorial_Project/data/medical_tube_sim_test_005.mb_Phoenix_frames/PhoenixFDSim1_medTubeulator_####.aur, 101000
                  PhoenixFrameData refCount++ 7664E070 2, I:0, D:\projects_current_trboDrv/phoenixFD_tutorial_Project/data/medical_tube_sim_test_005.mb_Phoenix_frames/PhoenixFDSim1_medTubeulator_0101.aur
                  PhoenixFrameData refCount-- 7664E070 1, I:0, D:\projects_current_trboDrv/phoenixFD_tutorial_Project/data/medical_tube_sim_test_005.mb_Phoenix_frames/PhoenixFDSim1_medTubeulator_0101.aur


                  • #24

                    maya output window :

                    Initialized VP2.0 renderer {
                    Version : 2016.11.53.12. Feature Level 5.
                    Adapter : GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2
                    Vendor ID: 4318. Device ID : 7040
                    Driver : .
                    API : OpenGL V.4.6.
                    Max texture size : 16384 * 16384.
                    Max tex coords : 32
                    Shader versions supported (Vertex: 5, Geometry: 5, Pixel 5).
                    Shader compiler profile : (Best card profile)
                    Active stereo support available : 0
                    GPU Memory Limit : 8192 MB.
                    CPU Memory Limit: 31042.2 MB.
                    MultiDraw consolidation: enabled
                    OpenCL evaluator is attempting to initialize OpenCL.
                    Detected 1 OpenCL Platforms:
                    0: NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA CUDA. OpenCL 1.2 CUDA 11.0.208.
                    Supported extensions: cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll cl_nv_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_nv_d3d11_sharing cl_nv_copy_opts cl_nv_create_buffer cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics
                    OpenCL evaluator choosing OpenCL platform NVIDIA Corporation.
                    Choosing OpenCL Device GeForce GTX 1080. Device Type: GPU Device is available.

                    V-Ray VolumeGrid: loading C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\vray/scripts/VRayVolumeGridInit.mel...
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:27] V-Ray: V-Ray 5 for Maya, hotfix 1 version 5.00.21 from Sep 30 2020, 01:16:53
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:27] V-Ray: V-Ray core version is 5.00.20
                    [VMAYA PT] Loaded and initialized C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\vray/translators/vraytr_bercon_special.dll
                    [VMAYA PT] Loaded and initialized C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\vray/translators/vraytr_flakes2_translators.dll
                    [VMAYA PT] Loaded and initialized C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\vray/translators/vraytr_geometry_translators.dll
                    [VMAYA PT] Loaded and initialized C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\vray/translators/vraytr_uvwgen_bercon.dll
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:30] V-Ray: Loading plugins from "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\vray/vrayplugins/vray_*.dll"
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:31] V-Ray: 69 plugin(s) loaded successfully
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:31] V-Ray: Finished loading plugins.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:36] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node vrayMultiProjection (id: 1115335/0x001104C7)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:36] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayCurvature (id: 1115347/0x001104D3)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:36] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayTriplanar (id: 1115362/0x001104E2)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:36] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayPointParticleMtl (id: 1115353/0x001104D9)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:36] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayStochasticFlakesMtl (id: 1115359/0x001104DF)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:36] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayAlSurface (id: 1115350/0x001104D6)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:36] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayHairNextMtl (id: 1115320/0x001104B​
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:36] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayBerconNoise (id: 1115370/0x001104EA)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:36] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayFiltering (id: 1207503/0x00126CCF)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:36] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayCarPaint2Mtl (id: 1207504/0x00126CD0)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:54:36] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayFlakes2Mtl (id: 1207506/0x00126CD2)
                    V-Ray VolumeGrid: OK.
                    Phoenix Fluid Dynamics ADV for Maya 2020 / V-Ray 5.x,
                    version 4.30.00, Build ID: 20200912 from Sep 12 2020
                    Phoenix FD: loading C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\phoenixfd/scripts/phxfdInit.mel...
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:30] V-Ray: Clearing bitmap cache memory...

                    V-Ray: Starting render
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Exporting scene to V-Ray.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Parsing light links time 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: Using image file prefix "tmp/medical_tube_sim_test_005/medical_tube_sim_test_005"
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: Exporting scene lights.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: NDAG: 54
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Cryptomatte - RenderChannelCryptomatte - 1FD08030
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Refraction - RenderChannelColor - 2CD9EE90
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Raw_Reflection - RenderChannelColor - 2CD9F810
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Lighting - RenderChannelColor - 2CD9AE70
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Velocity - RenderChannelVelocity - 2E358420
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Z_depth - RenderChannelZDepth - 991A01D0
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Toon_Specular - RenderChannelColor - 2CD9DF20
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Normals - RenderChannelNormals - 991E7300
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_GI - RenderChannelColor - 2CD9E770
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Denoiser - RenderChannelDenoiser - 1FCBAC30
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: Exporting scene geometry and materials.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: Number of dependency nodes: 177
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Translating scene geometry for V-Ray
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Exporting Phoenix FD Simulator for V-Ray version 5.00.20
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 41 % completed
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Total time translating scene for V-Ray 0h 0m 0.2s (0.2 s)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Rendering.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Bitmap manager created.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: Setting up sequence data.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: Setting render channels.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Rendering frames.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Updating frame at time 58.00
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Total time updating frame 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Updating frame at time 59.00
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Total time updating frame 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray debug: Calling beginSequence().
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: GI engines: 'Brute force' and 'Light cache'
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:40] V-Ray: Preparing renderer...
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: Using Intel Embree ray server
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray debug: Preparing scene for rendering...
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: Preparing scene for rendering...
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 1.8s): 10 % completed
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray debug: [RenderView] startCameraTime=1.000000, endCameraTime=59.000000
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray debug: [RenderView] numCameraTMs=116, numFrames=58, frameSamples=2
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.9s): 20 % completed
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.6s): 30 % completed
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: Tiled texture cache set to 4000 MB
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.4s): 40 % completed
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s): 50 % completed
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 60 % completed
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 70 % completed
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 80 % completed
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 90 % completed
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: Scanning scene for light plugins.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: 3 lights found.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: Using adaptive light evaluation with 8 lights.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray: Light tree is enabled with clamp coefficient 0.1 and even split coefficient 0.5.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray debug: Creating render callback from built-in VFB.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray debug: Initializing built-in VFB.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray debug: OpenEXR compression type is 3
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray debug: OpenEXR data window: render region
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:41] V-Ray debug: VFB writing to raw image file
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: [RenderView] startCameraTime=1.000000, endCameraTime=59.000000
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: [RenderView] numCameraTMs=116, numFrames=58, frameSamples=2
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: Using normal thread priority.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: Max ray intensity is enabled: rendered result may have incorrect brightness.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: Consistent lighting elements are enabled.
                    [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: Registered 2 internal light select elements.


                    • #25
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Preparing camera sampler.
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: [PhoenixCachePlugin] Frame data 58000 successfully loaded from D:\projects_current_trboDrv\phoenixFD_tutorial_Pro ject\data\medical_tube_sim_test_005.mb_Phoenix_fra mes\PhoenixFDSimulator1_####.aur.
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: [PhoenixSimPlugin] grid 256x114x350, cache index 58.
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Preparing scene for frame...
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: ...): 0 % completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: Preparing scene for frame...
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.4s): 10 % completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s): 20 % completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 30 % completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: Dome light resolution increased from 512 to 2048 for light "VRayLightDomeShape1"
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Create bitmap buffer for E:/HDR/allegorithmic_hdrs/environments/Studio/studio_02.exr: MipMapBmpBuf<HalfBmp> for mipmap=None pixelformat=Half
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Optimized bitmap buffer for file "E:/HDR/allegorithmic_hdrs/environments/Studio/studio_02.exr": MipMapBmpBuf<MonoHalfBmpMaya> from MipMapBmpBuf<HalfBmp>
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: Bitmap file "E:/HDR/allegorithmic_hdrs/environments/Studio/studio_02.exr" loaded.
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Setting up 35 thread(s)
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Bitmap "bitmapBuffer_0_g1_0" returned an invalid color (rgba 1.088553 1.088553 1.088553 1.088553)
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Qt threads completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Setting up 35 thread(s)
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Qt threads completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Setting up 35 thread(s)
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Qt threads completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Setting up 35 thread(s)
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Qt threads completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Setting up 35 thread(s)
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray debug: Qt threads completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.7s): 40 % completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.5s): 50 % completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s): 60 % completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 70 % completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:42] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 80 % completed
                      [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 90 % completed


                      • #26
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Compiling geometry...
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: ...): 0 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Compiling geometry...
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s): 10 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 20 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 30 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 40 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 50 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 60 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 70 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 80 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 90 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Preparing ray server.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Using Embree ray tracing.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: ...): 0 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Building Embree static accelerator...
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Setting up 1 thread(s)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 27 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Qt threads completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Building Embree static trees took 12 milliseconds, memory used 3.51 MB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Building dynamic geometry trees took 0 ms.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Building Embree dynamic geometry tree...
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Embree dynamic geometry tree contains 3 primitives.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Setting up 1 thread(s)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Qt threads completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Embree dynamic geometry tree built in 3.20 ms.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Embree dynamic geometry tree takes 0.00 MB.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Full rayserver build. Took 21.935 ms.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Scene bounding box is [-691.488,-109.147,-1465.57]-[728.147,912.864,406.848]
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Preparing Cryptomatte render elements
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Preparing direct light manager.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: 22 render channels in sequence data
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Preparing global light manager.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Using 0.84 MB for adaptive lights buffer
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Irradiance sample size is 84 bytes
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Cannot use fast GI because secondary engine is not brute force or none
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Photon size is 56 bytes.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Light cache sample size is 184 bytes.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Light cache built state is 0
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Building light cache.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Tracing 9000000 image samples for light cache in 64 passes.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Using 28.23 MB for light cache preview buffer
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray: Building light cache...
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:43] V-Ray debug: Setting up 35 thread(s)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:46] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 26.0s): 10 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:49] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 22.7s): 20 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:52] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 19.7s): 30 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:54] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 16.8s): 40 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:57] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 14.0s): 50 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Qt threads completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Merging light cache passes.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Merging light cache passes...
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Setting up 8 thread(s)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.6s): 11 % completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Qt threads completed
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Number of raycasts: 73463330 (79.71 per pixel)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Camera rays: 5015366 (5.44 per pixel)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Shadow rays: 35990729 (39.05 per pixel)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: GI rays: 14403521 (15.63 per pixel)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Reflection rays: 16594464 (18.01 per pixel)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Refraction rays: 19608570 (21.28 per pixel)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Unshaded rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for frame 58: 1.82 GiB collected for 25 categories
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Bitmap": 4.07 MiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Bucket image sampler": < 1 MiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Dynamic displaced geometry": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Dynamic geometry": < 1 MiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Dynamic moving displaced geometry": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Dynamic moving geometry": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Lights": 81.02 MiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Misc.": 21.65 MiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Misc. displaced geometry": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Misc. geometry": < 1 MiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Misc. moving displaced geometry": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Misc. moving geometry": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Phoenix Simulator": 172.04 MiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Progressive image sampler": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Static displaced geometry": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Static geometry": < 1 MiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Static hair": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Static moving displaced geometry": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Static moving geometry": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Static moving hair": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "Tiled bitmap": 0 B
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "V-Ray for Maya exporter": < 1 MiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "V-Ray for Maya keyframes": < 1 MiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "V-Ray for Maya misc.": 1.33 GiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Peak memory for "VFB": 225.05 MiB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Clearing global light manager.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Clearing direct light manager.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Number of light evaluations: 91228260 (98.99 per pixel)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Clearing ray server.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Maximum memory usage for resman: 0.26 MB
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Clearing geometry.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Number of intersectable primitives: 33811
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: SD triangles: 33806
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: MB triangles: 0
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Static primitives: 3
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Moving primitives: 0
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Infinite primitives: 2
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Static hair segments: 0
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Moving hair segments: 0
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Clearing camera image sampler.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Clearing camera sampler.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Clearing DMC sampler.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Clearing path sampler.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Clearing color mapper.
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray: Total frame time 0h 0m 18.9s (18.9 s)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:56:59] V-Ray debug: Calling endSequence().
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:57:00] V-Ray: Total sequence time 0h 0m 19.5s (19.5 s)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:57:00] V-Ray debug: Exiting render().
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:57:00] V-Ray: Render interrupted
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:57:00] V-Ray: ========================
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:57:00] V-Ray: Clearing exporter memory...
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:57:00] V-Ray: Total time clearing exporter memory 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s)
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:57:21] V-Ray debug: cmd: vrend -q
                        [2020/Oct/14|19:57:21] V-Ray debug: vrend result: false


                        • #27
                          Hmm can you send over to scene so we can check what is going on? You can either attach it here in a zip file or if there is anything confidential you can send it to the Chaos support mail with a link to this thread.

                          Georgi Zhekov
                          Phoenix Product Manager


                          • #28
                            ok, please see attached
                            Attached Files


                            • #29

                              Thanks a lot for the scene, indeed there seems to be a problem when rendering the Grid texture using Maya Batch. I have logged this in our bug tracker and I hope we will have a fix soon.

                              Aprat from the crash, there a few things that need tweaking in the scene for it to work correctly:

                              - your Grid texture is missing a placement node, which would make the colors not map correctly.
                              - you have set the rendering mode to Volumetric mode, but to render the liquid you will have to use either the Mesh mode or the Isosurface one. (To fix that you need to change the render mode in the Rendering rollout and change the Surface channel to Liquid and use a surface level of 0.5)
                              - also note that using the V-Ray Blend material in additive mode will produce physically incorrect materials (it's totally fine to use it if you like the look it gives though).

                              I have attached the fixed scene.

                              We still need to fix the Maya Batch crash though - we will update the thread when we have something.

                              Attached Files
                              Georgi Zhekov
                              Phoenix Product Manager


                              • #30
                                Hi Georgi,

                                thanks for looking into this and for the tips on the scene settings I'll take a look

                                hopefully the team can fix the issue soon ..

                                kind regards

