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Water inside the geometry

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  • Water inside the geometry

    Hi everyone,
    I'm a rookie with Phoenix, been playing around for a week give it or take it.

    I'm trying to make some waves on a portion ocean-land.
    200 frames in 5 hours (setting attached)
    Basically, I modelled quickly the land, made a close geometry and set it as not renderable.
    Copied, took only the part I needed and made it as "not solid", trying to not influence the simulation( was it better to switch it off since start?)

    Created the liquid simulator object, gave uìit an itial fill up with "fill up for ocean" option active.
    added the wave effector, added foam and splashes etc etc.

    DId the cache work and set some quick material to check out the result in "high" res.

    Problem is:
    I can see the the water where there should be the there any way to delete that part?
    Any setting I missed out?

    Also, I can see some black points on the seabed...I guess they are bubbles....but I don't get why the are on the seabed.
    any way to avoid them at the start of the sim?

    Also, this is just for curiosity, cache is calculated but when I try to scroll in the time line viewport still take a while to update, shouldn't be almost immediate the viewport?
    if numbers looks crazy, please point those out...I'll try to understand then how to set them better

    Attached some setting and some info about the sim( render test made at frame 100).
    Thanks in advance,
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hey, about the liquid entering the shore geometry, check the info on the Fillup For Ocean and Clear Inside here:
    ... as well as check this comparison here:

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Note really sure about the black points on the bottom. Do you see particles there when you look at the viewport particle preview?

      As for scrolling the timeline - you simulator resolution is pretty high, so it would take some time to read the cache files. Make sure they are not on the network which would be the most terrible speed, and if possible use an SSD for the output path so it would load the fastest. Also, make sure you don't save any irrelevant info to the caches - for the Output rollout. E.g. disable Velocity for particles if you don't need motion blur, etc. There is one extreme thing you can also try - if cache reading speed is crucial, but you have a ton of hard disk space - disable Compress Particles - this will create huge caches in size, but the simulation will write them faster and the preview will read them faster as well.

      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


      • #4
        Hi Svetlin,
        Thanks for your help.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Svetlin.Nikolov View Post
          Note really sure about the black points on the bottom. Do you see particles there when you look at the viewport particle preview?

          As for scrolling the timeline - you simulator resolution is pretty high, so it would take some time to read the cache files. Make sure they are not on the network which would be the most terrible speed, and if possible use an SSD for the output path so it would load the fastest. Also, make sure you don't save any irrelevant info to the caches - for the Output rollout. E.g. disable Velocity for particles if you don't need motion blur, etc. There is one extreme thing you can also try - if cache reading speed is crucial, but you have a ton of hard disk space - disable Compress Particles - this will create huge caches in size, but the simulation will write them faster and the preview will read them faster as well.

          I missed this reply.

          thanks for the tips.
          Already on SSD, luckily...Understood for the irrelevant info.

          About the black dots on the bottom, attached what I see in the preview.
          I'm recalculating with the "clear" option active, reduced a bit the res to speed up.
          I won't do a close up so it should be fine for the test and purpose.
          anyway, no strange particles at the bottom, just the wet map.
          could it be a compenetrating geometry that cause the problem?

          Attached Files


          • #6
            Could be yes... If you are already using a second mesh for rendering, would it look any different if you inflate it a bit?
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              I'll try once the sim will be done.
              so far, thank for your support


