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Problem with waves along 500 meters beach

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  • Problem with waves along 500 meters beach

    Hello everyone, I am building a beach with a length of about 500m (see attached image 01-02).
    I use Chaos Phoenix version 4.41.02 to simulate ocean waves. I'm satisfied with the part of the waves hitting the shore, but I can't expand the rest of the sea.
    I tried using " ocean mesh " in the rendering tab of PhoenixFDLiquid001 and the result is that the rest of the sea surface is flattening (see attached image 03-05).
    Therefore, I tried creating a PhoenixFDLiquid002 and applying Displacement to get a ripple. In the Displacement Tab, I used OceanTexture with Rate Of Change = 0.75 to rebalance the wave speed of PhoenixFDLiquid001 previously calculated with WaveForce with Strength = 1.5 (see attached figure 06-08 ). But both do not coincide with wave period and wave height (see attached figure 09). Can anyone show me how to handle this?
    Thank you very much.
    Attached Files
    Best regards.

  • #2

    Let me start with setting the expectations - this is not an easy task and it's very likely that for a shot at this angle you will have to resort to some post.

    Basically, the simulation inside the grid is driven by the wave force, it creates real simulated waves. There is also the ocean displacement - it crates render time waves over the surface of the simulator, and also over the ocean that extends infinitely around the simulator. So in order to match the simulated waves inside the simulator to the render-time displacement, a few things need to happen:
    1. The must be displacement around the container, but inside it, there must be no displacement at all - only the simulated waves must be there. In order to do this, you should use the exact same ocean texture for the wave force and for the displacement in the Simulator's Rendering rollout. The Multiplier of the Displacement must be 1. You must check Fade Above Velocity and set it to 0 - this means that the displacement would not appear where there is any velocity, which basically means - there will not be any displacement inside the simulator box; Just a link to the reference manual so you can check what options you have for suppressing the displacement:
    2. The simulated waves must do exactly what the ocean texture does, so you definitely must simulate with Massive Wave Force ON in order to be able to restrict the liquid freedom. Here is a video explaining how this works:

    I am attaching a very low-res scene showing the settings. Ideally, the larger the simulator, the better the simulated waves inside it will merge with the displacement around it:
    merge wave force and
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_6.png
Views:	265
Size:	373.6 KB
ID:	1121346

    Hope this helps get you in the right direction, cheers!
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Hello Svetlin.Nikolov!
      I really appreciate your explanation. I will read more information and simulate again with larger simulation box. Thank you for your help.
      Best regards.

