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Resolution issue with ship moving through water

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  • Resolution issue with ship moving through water

    I've set up a basic ship simulation where a ship is moving through the water. I have an issue with the resolution of the waves hitting the front of the boat and the waves moving away from the boat. They are blocky. I already have the grid set up 0.135m which I know isn't small but to go any lower means seriously increasing the sim time to the point my machine with 64gb is struggling.

    Is there no way to have the resolution of the sim more detailed at points where the waves are created and then less detailed as the wave height falls off?

    I'm guessing that right now the only way to get a better looking sim is to lower the grid settings?

    Am I limited by my hardware? I'm guessing the studios all have much better spec machines...

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  • #2
    Just to add. This is what I'm hoping to achieve. The lovely detail coming off the front of the ship. I realise my ship is going slower but still, something along this kind of detail would be nice. It doesn't seem possible with PhoenixFD
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    • #3
      Hey Steve,

      sadly for now there is no way to add more grid resolution only to certain parts of the sim.

      From what I can see in your case more grid resolution is the way to go. Is it possible to shrink your grid a bit? Also can you show us how large is the grid relative to your boat in the viewport?
      Also can you share the Cache File Content info for your sim? If you have too many secondary particles (splashes,mist or foam) this might slow things down in terms of simulation speed.

      Can you show us the settings in the Dynamics rollout as well?
      Georgi Zhekov
      Phoenix Product Manager


      • #4
        Here are a couple of screen grabs showing the setup. The cache sequence is 332gb in total....
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        • #5
          I had asked also about a possibility to refine the grid resolution. It would definitely be handy to have a finer grid at bow, but we don't need this definition all over the grid.


          • #6
            Indeed, increasing liquid's resolution via resimulation is already in our to do list. It is an important feature in the toolset.

            As for the scene settings, you do have 28 milllion foam particles, combined with the foam volume option and the 4 steps per frame, this takes quite some time to calcuate all the bubble interactions. You can try to reduce the foam to 1-5 million by lowering the foam amount or reducing the foam on hit in the splashes settings and this should speed things up simulation wise.

            Georgi Zhekov
            Phoenix Product Manager


            • #7
              Originally posted by georgi.zhekov View Post
              Indeed, increasing liquid's resolution via resimulation is already in our to do list. It is an important feature in the toolset.

              As for the scene settings, you do have 28 milllion foam particles, combined with the foam volume option and the 4 steps per frame, this takes quite some time to calcuate all the bubble interactions. You can try to reduce the foam to 1-5 million by lowering the foam amount or reducing the foam on hit in the splashes settings and this should speed things up simulation wise.
              Thanks. I'll try changing these parameters and re-simming.


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              • #8
                Try detaching the prow as a separate geometry, then link it back to the ship.
                Change the shape of the prow to flatten the front faces and widen the back so it pushes and deflects water. The width of the prow may need to be as wide as the grid cell size to push the water.
                Set the Phoenix Motion Velocity Effect for the prow to a higher number. Tune and experiment.
                Hope it helps and good luck!
                Ron Porter
                Mustang, Oklahoma
                Click image for larger version  Name:	prow.jpg Views:	0 Size:	150.3 KB ID:	1166338
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                Last edited by rporter8555; 28-11-2022, 02:59 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by stevesideas View Post
                  Here are a couple of screen grabs showing the setup. The cache sequence is 332gb in total....
                  How do you use render nodes on more than one machine?
                  Last edited by luizfernando_fonsecapimentel; 17-08-2023, 06:36 AM.


                  • #10
                    Luiz, Start with the defaults from the Ocean or Speedboat presets for the foam, then adjust to suit your lighting setup.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ron_porter View Post
                      Luiz, Start with the defaults from the Ocean or Speedboat presets for the foam, then adjust to suit your lighting setup.
                      How do you use render nodes on more than one machine?


                      • #12
                        Save the cache on a shared mapped drive so the render nodes all are able to read the aur files, then run the render on backburner or deadline or other... works great!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ron_porter View Post
                          Save the cache on a shared mapped drive so the render nodes all are able to read the aur files, then run the render on backburner or deadline or other... works great!
                          Can I simulate Phoenix on more than one computer at the same time? Send slave nodes


                          • #14
                            As far as I know, simulation must be performed on one machine. Suggest to follow the Facebook Chaos Phoenix page for more/better information.

                            What I do is start machine 1 running simulation and save cache to shared mapped drive.
                            Then I start machines 2 and 3 and 4 in backburner running the renders using cache saved on the shared mapped drive.
                            Sometimes the render is slower than the simulation so there is no problem. Other times the simulation is faster so I delay starting the render until there are enough cache to do the work.
                            I use VRay so on some jobs I start render on machine 2 with Vray Distributed Render Spawner so machine 3 and machine 4 are helping machine 2 to produce frames faster.
                            Other times I let each machine render separate frames from different parts of the timeline to check the water effect is as desired.
                            Hope this is useful.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rporter8555 View Post
                              As far as I know, simulation must be performed on one machine. Suggest to follow the Facebook Chaos Phoenix page for more/better information.

                              What I do is start machine 1 running simulation and save cache to shared mapped drive.
                              Then I start machines 2 and 3 and 4 in backburner running the renders using cache saved on the shared mapped drive.
                              Sometimes the render is slower than the simulation so there is no problem. Other times the simulation is faster so I delay starting the render until there are enough cache to do the work.
                              I use VRay so on some jobs I start render on machine 2 with Vray Distributed Render Spawner so machine 3 and machine 4 are helping machine 2 to produce frames faster.
                              Other times I let each machine render separate frames from different parts of the timeline to check the water effect is as desired.
                              Hope this is useful.

                              What are these NUMA nodes and how can I activate them?
                              How to activate Phoenix DR?​

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	117
Size:	872.3 KB
ID:	1190055

