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Foam not working Properly

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  • #31
    The Droplet surfing affects the liquid and the splash particles, controlling how long a particle hovers on the surface before it merges with the liquid. This way the sliding particles have the chance to produce foam (based on the birth threshold settings for the foam) and drag it along. You can check how this looks here -

    Glad you solved it, what was the reason in your case?

    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #32
      Thanks Georgi,
      Sorry just saw you post now. Still trying to get a nice simulation.
      When I put 0 on Affect Liquid to get rid of the flickering (as I was advised ) However, my simulation looks a bit strange as foam goes on sideways instead along the ship (image attached).
      Any tips how to solve this, without changing the Affect Liquid to 1 ?
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.jpg
Views:	124
Size:	92.8 KB
ID:	1183739


      • #33
        In this case you would have to understand what causes these trails to appear - zoom in the preview and scroll through the frames to see how exactly does this foam get splattered there - is it caused by flying or surfing splashes, is it caused by liquid flying off and landing in the water mass, or perhaps something else. And keep this life cycle of the particles in mind when looking to see what is the effect that causes these particles to behave like this:
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

