I have a scene I am sending to support that has an odd issue. When I try to render it in Standalone as an animation the particles loaded by the PRTReader are not rendered in the correct position. Inherit Node Transform is on.
It works fine in Max. It works fine if you export and render a still with Standalone. If you export the animation it fails to render correctly.
I ended up using Krakatoa to convert my particles to world space, and then it worked fine, but this should work.
I will post the ticket number here. Feel free to respond here. I just don't want to share the bottle object with the world.
Ticket #111731
It works fine in Max. It works fine if you export and render a still with Standalone. If you export the animation it fails to render correctly.
I ended up using Krakatoa to convert my particles to world space, and then it worked fine, but this should work.
I will post the ticket number here. Feel free to respond here. I just don't want to share the bottle object with the world.
Ticket #111731