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Water Emittance Power

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  • Water Emittance Power

    Hi there!

    We are trying to achieve a similar look to the reference image attached
    The biggest issues that we're having is that the thickness of the water seems far too big and we cant seem to get the thinness of the reference image - I've pushed the cell/voxel count to 10mill so I can get decent looking water - if I push this down below 3-4mill then one of the fountains doesn't emit anything.
    Despite reducing the size of the emitter, the water itself emits the same size, regardless if how thin we make it. I'd like to note that when we decrease the emitter to something thinner than 0.4cm, no water emits - perhaps this is accurate :P

    We're also struggling to achieve the "spray look" without making it look chaotic (You can see in my attachments that the power is pretty powerful)

    We've also tried placing the emitter inside of the Fountain spout but contentiously "bubbles" around it.

    Finally I've also attached my sim setup as well for those that may immediately see what the problem is, if any.

    Many thanks in advance to anyone willing to help!
    Attached Files

  • #2

    I can see you are using two planes as emitters. Using an open geometry like a plane may lead to unexpected results. Phoenix works best with closed geometries, so it will be good to give the planes some thickness - you could add a Shell modifier to them. You could convert them to Edit Poly and go into Face Selection mode. Select the faces that you want to emit the liquid and assign to them a new Polygon ID. Then, select the Phoenix Liquid Source and set the Polygon ID parameter to the same value you added to the faces. The Source will now only emit from faces that share this ID.

    As for the thickness and the smoothness of the liquid, you could try using the options in the Rendering rollout -> Mesh Smoothing tab. When rendering in Mesh mode, you have an option allowing you to smooth out the produced mesh surface. Simply increasing the Mesh Smoothness will even out rough edges of the mesh, and optionally you can enable the Use Liquid Particles for Smoothing option. It will involve the liquid particles in the mesh construction, in addition to the mandatory Grid Liquid channel, and thus will both improve the smoothing even more, and will also allow you to shrink or inflate the sizes of the liquid droplets inside the mesh.​ Here you can find more info about these options -​​​

    Hope this helps!
    Slavina Nikolova
    QA Specialist, V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Phoenix


    • #3
      Indeed, one more thing I would add - 10 million voxels for this kind of sim is probably the lowest you could go. 20-50 million are what I usually see for good results. In order to iterate more quickly on the faucet, you could increase the grid resolution to the detailed one, but shrink the grid around the emitter. Once you get the flow right, you could increase the grid size to make it wider, so it would cover both emitters and more space to the side. In order to get the jet to widen like in the reference image, you might want to bend the emitter slightly, in addition to Slavina's advice about adding a shell modifier and then directing the outgoing velocity using the Polygon ID option of the Source. I believe this would help you get much closer to the reference image.

      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

