Was looking at the fountain example scene to see how I could improve a simulation I was working on. Problem is when it rendered the pool of water at the base of the fountain was covered in lots of little dots. Forum search said this can be down to either VRay sun visible in reflection or it being told to render the particles as points. Removing the sun didn't fix this issue and deleting the shader icon to try and stop any kind of point rendering resulted in the simulation now rendering nothing at all.
I cant find anything in the main rollout for the sim that would stop it from rendering? anyone know which setting im missing to bring back the simulation? its basically the fountain example scene minus the particle shader but now nothing renders. I can see the sim and the mesh in the viewport.
Added screenshots of viewport, vfb and rollouts for the sim.
I cant find anything in the main rollout for the sim that would stop it from rendering? anyone know which setting im missing to bring back the simulation? its basically the fountain example scene minus the particle shader but now nothing renders. I can see the sim and the mesh in the viewport.
Added screenshots of viewport, vfb and rollouts for the sim.