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Weird wrinkles in simulation

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  • Weird wrinkles in simulation

    The thing is that we are constantly getting this weird wrinkles on the water surface. It feels like container walls are closed, but they are set as open, and once any object creates a wave, it instantly creates this weird-pattern noise over whole surface. Scales, steps per frame, voxel size - does nothing, just higher resolution makes this wrinkles more pronounced. Smooth channel in the Input tab also does nothing, it works only for generic noises, but not like this case. The only thing can help is extremely high levels of mesh smooth in the Render tab, at the level 50-100 and lowering Ocean Subdiv to 0.2-0.5 it cleans up to 80% of the wrinkles but almost wipes out simulation waves which is not acceptable, and low Ocean subs makes horizon flickers expectedly.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	63
Size:	275.8 KB
ID:	1221324 Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Unfortunately it's the solver and it's a known issue. We have it in the to do list, but I can't say when we will be able to fix it as it is a difficult one.

    The best way would be to try and hide it with some displacement or heavy smoothing, but that's it for now.
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Not what I wanted to hear But thaks.

