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Water simulation problem

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  • Water simulation problem

    I have a problem with simulating a pond.

    The water should be smooth, and the only ripples/waves should be generated by moving objects: the leaves, and the jumping frog. However, there seems to be another source of noise/waves – something around the edges of the grid area, where the simulated mesh meets the "ocean mesh."
    How to get rid of that additional noise and get a smooth surface simulating only ripples where the movement happens?

    Here is how it looks in 3dsmax:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	viewport.jpg
Views:	112
Size:	259.0 KB
ID:	1224774

    Thank you!
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Maybe you get some instability of the liquid as the scene scale is relatively low - there are a few ways to solve that:

    1 - You can increase the scene scale in the grid rollout, but this will cause the simulation to behave in a different way.
    2 - You can start the sim earlier and let the liquid settle. You can just set the start frame to a negative one if you don't wish to offset your scene animation. This way the sim can start from frame -100 for example.
    3 - In the Input rollout you can set the mode to Cache index and animate the cache index. Leave it to 0 or 1 just until your animation starts - this way the simulator will use only this frame and when the animation starts, animate it linearly from there.
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager

