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Water Size

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  • Water Size

    Please note this is NOT the same issue or scene as my previous post "Liquid Jittering".

    I have water breaking through a window and filling up a pretty big room with columns. Everything in the viewport looks fine as far as the water bouncing around, but the actual size of the water itself during rendering time is way too big. Im not sure what to do to lower the rendering size of the geometry of the water. Any suggestions?

    Under "Liquid" my Viscosity = 0.0, Approach steps = 1.

    Under "Rendering" surface level is 0.1.

    Also, are there any tutorials out there on how to use Phoenix FD or a more detailed description on how to use it? I feel the documentation lacks on important settings, example:
    The documentation for Viscosity is:
    Viscosity (MXS: lqvisc) - The viscosity of the liquid.

    That's a little vague.

  • #2
    but the actual size of the water itself during rendering time is way too big.
    not sure how to understand this, you mean like upscaled or what?
    there is a tutorial in progres, i hope it will be available soon.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      I guess the best way to describe this would be, the thickness of the water's geometry. For example, If you ever used RealFlow, Realflow has a "radius" option on any Mesh's emitter's setting which allows you to control how thick (radius) the geometry physically is that wraps around each particle. Basically Im looking for a way to control this in PhoenixFD. The geometry around my liquid in Phoenix FD feels too thick (like honey) and Im looking for a way to make it much slimmer. Like thin water.


      • #4
        You can control that via the "Surface Level" parameter. It is defining the border between air and water in the channel you have set to use.



        • #5
          Originally posted by instinct View Post
          You can control that via the "Surface Level" parameter. It is defining the border between air and water in the channel you have set to use.
          Mine was at 0.1. But I guess I need to go lower? I'll try adjusting this setting more tonight. Thanks!


          • #6
            That depends on the Channel used. i assume that is smoke. So Smoke if you lower the value you will actually make it thicker (as less smoke is needed to generate a surface)



            • #7
              Originally posted by instinct View Post
              That depends on the Channel used. i assume that is smoke. So Smoke if you lower the value you will actually make it thicker (as less smoke is needed to generate a surface)
              Fuel is my channel. I found fuel to work best for simulating liquid, unless Im missing something?


              • #8
                Thorsten! You're right, Surface Level is the key. I've been lowering the value, but increasing the value is what I needed to do to make the size smaller. Thanks for telling me to focus on this. It works well!

