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Phoenix Particle smoke from multiple objects in one grid

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  • Phoenix Particle smoke from multiple objects in one grid

    I’m Using Phoenix FD 2.0 in Max 2013 x64 with Vray 2.30.01 and trying to create a small short puff of fine wispy smoke/dust. I started with the sample scene finesmoke.max.

    My scene:
    I have two separate editable poly objects, A and B, inside the grid, which are added as nodes in the PHXSource. If I added A first then B, run the sim for a frame or two then in the PHXFoam object I pick the grid, It pops up with the “events” window showing
    PG [particles of A] of system [PhoenixFD01]
    PG [particles of B] of system [PhoenixFD01]

    If I render this I see only smoke/dust coming from A, although in the viewport I see the preview voxels clearly showing emission from both objects.

    If I now remove both nodes in PHXSource and chose only B, run sim, pick the grid in PHXFoam,
    “events” window = PG [particles of B] of system [PhoenixFD01]

    and render, I see smoke/dust coming from B just fine.

    If I now add A in PHXSource, run sim, pick the grid again in PHXFoam
    “events” window =
    PG [particles of B] of system [PhoenixFD01]
    PG [particles of A] of system [PhoenixFD01]
    (Note B is first in list)

    If I render this I still see only smoke/dust coming from B.

    There appears to be an issue with getting particles from two objects in one grid. Whichever object I choose first will work and subsequent objects are ignored.
    Note: I get the same results when testing the sample scene finesmoke.max (making two spheres in the grid)

    Can anyone confirm this as a bug or if I’ve missed something?

    Graham Macfarlane
    3D Studio Max, Vray and motion graphics specialist
    Elyarch Ltd - London UK

  • #2
    you are probably using only one PHXFoam particle shader, note that in the particle system button of the shader is shown the name of the currently shaded particle group, and it is exactly the one that is rendered.
    when you have two particle groups in the simulation, you have to provide two particle shaders, one for each group.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Thanks Ivaylo,

      It works great now, with one PHXFoam shader per object in the grid.
      I Can’t see anything in online tutorials or the Phoenix2.chm about this aspect of the PHXFoam shader. Is it documented somewhere else, since if it is I might be missing other things too.
      Graham Macfarlane
      3D Studio Max, Vray and motion graphics specialist
      Elyarch Ltd - London UK


      • #4
        Hello GrahamMac

        Unfortunately we don't have any tutorial about PHXFoam Shader so far , but we are working on a new tutorials about Phoenix and we can include this topic.

        Thank you very much for your feedback.
        Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
        Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


        • #5
          Thank you for the information Svetlozar.
          Graham Macfarlane
          3D Studio Max, Vray and motion graphics specialist
          Elyarch Ltd - London UK

