I have tried searching all over and can't seem to find the resolution or setting I need to increase to solve issue. I am new to Phoenix and am trying to learn its functions. I have a hollow box that contains a source (purple inner box in picture) that is linked to the hollow box. A few frames before the box opening the source starts its discharge. I am having an issue since the box is still in motion a little where the fire penetrates through the side of the box and the lid. I tried making the walls thicker but still same problem. Any suggestions for what I am missing would be very much appreciated.

I am very much a beginner with Phoenix and all current settings are pretty much default as of now. Version 2.1.0 / 3ds Max 2014
Thanks for all help
I am very much a beginner with Phoenix and all current settings are pretty much default as of now. Version 2.1.0 / 3ds Max 2014
Thanks for all help