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Fire penetrating through geo

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  • Fire penetrating through geo

    I have tried searching all over and can't seem to find the resolution or setting I need to increase to solve issue. I am new to Phoenix and am trying to learn its functions. I have a hollow box that contains a source (purple inner box in picture) that is linked to the hollow box. A few frames before the box opening the source starts its discharge. I am having an issue since the box is still in motion a little where the fire penetrates through the side of the box and the lid. I tried making the walls thicker but still same problem. Any suggestions for what I am missing would be very much appreciated.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	58.9 KB
ID:	877830

    I am very much a beginner with Phoenix and all current settings are pretty much default as of now. Version 2.1.0 / 3ds Max 2014

    Thanks for all help


  • #2
    Hi Anthony,
    connect the simulator to the hollow box, this should solve the problem, if the box is only one in the simulation.
    In general the moving geometry becomes "transparent" to the fluid, and the suggested solution makes it not moving from the grid's point of view. Don't worry about the simulation, it will produce correct result, because the inertial forces.

    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Ah ok, I changed that and found the fire did not pentrate any more.

      Thanks for the suggestion and sorry if it was a simple one, I just couldnt figure it out or find anything.

      On a side note I was wondering if there was a way to change the system default cache location under output for the simulations permanently? I found in the manual all the different name templates I can use but I am more looking to change the default for new max files and new phoenix simulations so I don't have to type it every new file or test. Is that possible or no?

      Thanks again


      • #4
        no way to change the default settings
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          Good to know.

          Thanks again for help.

