in my scene i have som kind of submarine cockpit witch dives.
I use the ocean mode to simulate the water surface.
The camera is in the cockpit.
The problem is: The image is distorted by the IOR of the water material.
Took me Long time to figure that out
After serching for the problem in this forum i found this thread:
Where Ivaylo Katev talked about a "underwater glasses" effect on the Camera.
And i think: That is the Problem, the Materals proporties are added to the Camera so the IOR distort´s the Image.
Where can i Deactivate this Feature?
My Camera is in a Cockpit, i dont want the interior to be distorted by the Water IOR, There is air in it
Thanx, Ihno
Ps: Well iam German, i hope you can understand my english
in my scene i have som kind of submarine cockpit witch dives.
I use the ocean mode to simulate the water surface.
The camera is in the cockpit.
The problem is: The image is distorted by the IOR of the water material.
Took me Long time to figure that out

After serching for the problem in this forum i found this thread:
Where Ivaylo Katev talked about a "underwater glasses" effect on the Camera.
And i think: That is the Problem, the Materals proporties are added to the Camera so the IOR distort´s the Image.
Where can i Deactivate this Feature?
My Camera is in a Cockpit, i dont want the interior to be distorted by the Water IOR, There is air in it

Thanx, Ihno
Ps: Well iam German, i hope you can understand my english
