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output/input folders

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  • output/input folders


    Seems there is a bug when rendering with different output settings than default ...

    I create a scene PhTest.max
    In phoenix output I set : C:\Users\k41\Desktop\PhTest\PhTest_Sim\PhTest_sim
    in phoenix intput I set : C:\Users\k41\Desktop\PhTest\PhTest_Sim\PhTest_sim

    When calculation simulations, I have my subfolder PhTest_Sim with aur files and PhTest_Sim\settings\PhTest_sim_simulation txt files each time I start a simulation. All right.

    Now, render the scene:
    phoenix create a new subfolder PhTest.max_Phoenix2_frames with just \settings\rendering folder and a txt file for the render (like record_y2014.m12.d12_12-09-27.txt)

    Should this render files be in my output config folder ??

    max2014 sp5, win7x64pro, vray3.08, last phoenix official build.

  • #2
    yes, this is as expected, these files are rarely used and we know that they are always in the default path, not in the explicitly specified one.
    the files are used when you have already a good result, but trying to improve it you lose the best settings and can't return them back.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Yes I understand what these files are, but then it creates duplicate subfolders for every sim. Really not ideal. Having option to change folders for tests, versionning etc is really nice but then still having lot of uncontrolled created sub folders is not welcome.

