Seems there is a bug when rendering with different output settings than default ...
I create a scene PhTest.max
In phoenix output I set : C:\Users\k41\Desktop\PhTest\PhTest_Sim\PhTest_sim
in phoenix intput I set : C:\Users\k41\Desktop\PhTest\PhTest_Sim\PhTest_sim
When calculation simulations, I have my subfolder PhTest_Sim with aur files and PhTest_Sim\settings\PhTest_sim_simulation txt files each time I start a simulation. All right.
Now, render the scene:
phoenix create a new subfolder PhTest.max_Phoenix2_frames with just \settings\rendering folder and a txt file for the render (like record_y2014.m12.d12_12-09-27.txt)
Should this render files be in my output config folder ??
max2014 sp5, win7x64pro, vray3.08, last phoenix official build.
Seems there is a bug when rendering with different output settings than default ...
I create a scene PhTest.max
In phoenix output I set : C:\Users\k41\Desktop\PhTest\PhTest_Sim\PhTest_sim
in phoenix intput I set : C:\Users\k41\Desktop\PhTest\PhTest_Sim\PhTest_sim
When calculation simulations, I have my subfolder PhTest_Sim with aur files and PhTest_Sim\settings\PhTest_sim_simulation txt files each time I start a simulation. All right.
Now, render the scene:
phoenix create a new subfolder PhTest.max_Phoenix2_frames with just \settings\rendering folder and a txt file for the render (like record_y2014.m12.d12_12-09-27.txt)
Should this render files be in my output config folder ??
max2014 sp5, win7x64pro, vray3.08, last phoenix official build.