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Ocean Waves with Wave Force Issue

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  • Ocean Waves with Wave Force Issue


    So I tried creating Ocean Waves on a beach based off Ivaylo's instructions located here:

    The problem I am having is the wetmap is not showing up, the edge of my FD Box is black in the background, and the waves are not looking like the example video in the same link. What am I doing wrong? I am using Waveforce and PheonixFDParticleTexture. Also, I have a displacementmap with PheonixFDOceanTex used on my background Ocean's displacement. But this appears to break when my PhoenixFD object is displayed. Works when its hidden. Screenshots below:

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    Last edited by Teriander; 21-02-2016, 05:11 PM.

  • #2
    perhaps you are using an old scene as starting point, because the simulator object is the combined type.
    the problem is that by default the wetmap is not exported anymore, and you have no access to UI to change this. open the listener, select the simulator and type "a_converttoliquid", this will change the simulator type to liquid simulator with all the wetmap UI that you need.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Thank Ivaylo,

      I ran the script in the listener. My response was "A_ConvertToLiquid()", but I did not notice a change in my PhoenixFD. It was selected when ran. Where should the wetmap UI information display? Also, I downloaded the file from a post you provided back in October titled "". Perhaps this one was too old? Do you have a most recent scene I can test with that should work? Perhaps one that could also solve the black line I am getting in the background as well?


      • #4
        my mistake, you should type A_ConvertToLiquid(), this is an exception in the max script syntax that i forget regularly
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          It appears the script works, wetmap info is now there. But my scene instantly crashes when rendering. Haven't changed anything yet. Here is an error message I am getting:

          warning: Material "Material #2" (Blend) is not compatible with V-Ray and may cause problems
          Last marker is at ./src/vrenderlight.cpp, line 494: Exiting VRenderLightObj::init()

          error: 1 error(s), 1 warning(s)

          And here is the version I am running:
          2.25.01 Nightly Build ID: 1602196650

          Any suggestions?


          • #6
            this is something new, can you try to change the material just to see is it related to the crash? i mean, the warning says that the blend material is not supported, perhaps this is the reason.
            VRScans developer


            • #7

              We had a crash with the particle texture and the wetmap up until yesterday, could you try a latest nightly and see if there is still a crash?

              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                Originally posted by a0121536 View Post

                We had a crash with the particle texture and the wetmap up until yesterday, could you try a latest nightly and see if there is still a crash?

                I can confirm this latest build resolved the crash issue I was having. Re-simulating to test wetmap. Thanks for the update! For future reference, do I need to redo simulations if I enable a wetmap? I didn't notice the wetmap change so I am assuming I must re-simulate everything. Thanks again!


                • #9
                  you can create wetmap by resimulation, that is faster than full simulation, but in this case you can't use the "consume liquid" option, that is needed to avoid the long wet tracks on the sand.
                  my recommendation is to start full simulation
                  VRScans developer


                  • #10
                    Hey Teriander,

                    In case you mean running the simulation again - in this case it's better to run the sim all over.

                    Otherwise, you could use the "Resimulation" feature of Phoenix that Ivaylo is talking about - it allows you to re-run the simulation without changing the behavior of the Liquid mass, and you can adjust the settings of the additional particle groups - splash, foam, wetmap, etc.

                    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the feedback ChaosGroup! Im rerunning the simulation all over, I'll let you know if I have any issues!


                      • #12
                        I'm having a strange new issue where my PhoenixFD is not rendering the ocean mesh. The current rendering shows the Foam in its proper place, and the background ocean, but the Phoenix FD water is not displaying. Nor is the wetmap. I can't figure out why its not. Do I have a setting incorrect? Should I submit my scene?

                        Click image for larger version

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ID:	859912


                        • #13
                          i think the water is there, but for some reason is under the sand. there are clearly visible waves, the displacement is off, so this is the simulator. can you try to disable the sand geometry rendering to check this?
                          VRScans developer


                          • #14
                            It's strange that this would be the issue, because it wasn't under the sand in my first post. The objects didn't move. But I re-rendered with the sand turned off. It's pretty difficult to tell if I am seeing the PhoenixFD water, or the Plane with my Ocean texture. I'll try some more test.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Test_002.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	234.8 KB
ID:	859913


                            • #15
                              just enable the mesh preview in the viewport, this may help to figure it out
                              VRScans developer

