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Mix liquid colors

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  • Mix liquid colors

    Im having a problem mixing liquid colors. After some nightly release I found that I cannot use the same method, don't have idea why, the problem is that now I don't know which release worked before
    No, the method Im using is based on a file that Ivaylo created to help a guy that wanted to mix a river with blood. Im creating my regular liquid sim grid, the include the RGB in the output, and add two spheres and then two liquid emitters. I select one sphere for each and activate the RGB color in each, with different colors. I create a phoenixfd texmap and select the phoenixfd sim grid and set the option to RGB and mirror. Later I duplicate the Phoenixfd grid and in the input add the name of the original emitter and use the texmap on this second emitter. And then it should work, but now it is not working. Any clue? Thanks!

  • #2
    Yup, the liquid doesn't export RGB for some reason, will check what's wrong and get back to you.

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Great!, I thought I was doing something wrong


      • #4
        Hi Svetlin, I just wanted to know if you have any update on this. Sorry bothering you.


        • #5
          Hey! Working on it as we speak, I hope it will be in for next Tuesday's nightly build.
          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


          • #6
            Great man, thanks a lot! Have a great weekend!


            • #7
              You too! Will keep you posted.
              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                An update - the fix will be in tomorrow's nightly (06 Apr) Cheers!
                Last edited by Svetlin.Nikolov; 05-04-2016, 08:28 AM.
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                • #9
                  Great news!, Thanks a lot man, I'll let you know when I give it a try.


                  • #10
                    Alright! Just an edit - I meant 06, not 05 April
                    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                    • #11
                      Hahaha, no problem


                      • #12
                        Hi Svetlin, I've just downloaded it an it seems to be working. I'm testing it on the project I'm working, but for now, everything is just fine. Thanks for your help as always!


                        • #13
                          Im having a new problem, I found it before I create this post because I thought it could be related to it soI prefered at that moment to talk only about the problem of the RGB. Now, it seems that in some recent nightly you guys changed something about how and object gets filled, because on previous tests that I was running, I was able to use PHXSource to fill an object, using a high value at cero and then setting it to 0 (after that I used to move the object that I use as emitter to some place outside the grid), having the phoenixfd object properties as non solid, clear inside and the initial liquid fill OFF, because I was using the PHXSource to fill it, no?. I know that I can use the intial fill option, but I need to use the PHXSource001 to assign an RGB channel, because it seems that in that case (if I use the initial fill I mean) it doesn't get the RGB channel from the PHXSource. The problem is that now with the change I found in a recent release (can't tell you which one), the object doesnt gets filled, I have tried fliping the normals, changing the clear and solid options without any luck, it seems like it only puts liquid on the surface and no inside it. I hope I made my self clear, not sure if I was :P On the image, you can see that the cylinder is not filled, is kinda weird.
                          Hope you can help me.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14

                            Are you using the general-purpose PHXSource? Could you check the Emit mode at the top of the source? It should be set to Volume Brush if you want to create static liquid from the entire volume of the cylinder.

                            If this is not the case, could I ask you again for a scene?

                            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                            • #15
                              Im using the liquid source, and is set to surface... it's weird, in the file that was done with a previous nightly realease it is working, but I understand, for regular version 2 I always set it to brush, but it was working, so I didn't payed attention, So my mistake!, Thanks man!

