Im having a problem mixing liquid colors. After some nightly release I found that I cannot use the same method, don't have idea why, the problem is that now I don't know which release worked before 
No, the method Im using is based on a file that Ivaylo created to help a guy that wanted to mix a river with blood. Im creating my regular liquid sim grid, the include the RGB in the output, and add two spheres and then two liquid emitters. I select one sphere for each and activate the RGB color in each, with different colors. I create a phoenixfd texmap and select the phoenixfd sim grid and set the option to RGB and mirror. Later I duplicate the Phoenixfd grid and in the input add the name of the original emitter and use the texmap on this second emitter. And then it should work, but now it is not working. Any clue? Thanks!

No, the method Im using is based on a file that Ivaylo created to help a guy that wanted to mix a river with blood. Im creating my regular liquid sim grid, the include the RGB in the output, and add two spheres and then two liquid emitters. I select one sphere for each and activate the RGB color in each, with different colors. I create a phoenixfd texmap and select the phoenixfd sim grid and set the option to RGB and mirror. Later I duplicate the Phoenixfd grid and in the input add the name of the original emitter and use the texmap on this second emitter. And then it should work, but now it is not working. Any clue? Thanks!