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CPU Spikes and Noise when GPU Preview is enabled

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  • CPU Spikes and Noise when GPU Preview is enabled

    I'm going to try my very best at explaining my issue and the hopefully someone will be able to understand what I'm talking about.

    I've been able to narrow down the cause through testing various different scenarios and it seems to me that enabling GPU Preview creates a large CPU load and an audible noise (physically grind from the CPU not a motherboard beep or speaker noise). The noise corresponds with any action CPU spike generated by the GPU Preview.

    Example 01:

    When simulating with GPU Preview on there is a large uptick in the CPU usage after the frame has elapsed and the preview had been created in the viewport. With each spike there is a grind noise. This continues with each frame as a new preview is rendered in the viewport. CPU usage goes from about 1% to 50% when noise occurs.

    Example 02:

    Once a simulation is complete I encounter the same spikes and noise when moving a light source around the scene (because the preview needs to be re-rendered each time).

    The CPU spike and noise when moving the light disappear when I uncheck "lighting" from the GPU preview. However, the issue still remains when a new frame is created or when a new preview is generated in the viewport via scrubbing the animation.

    I know the solution is to disable the GPU Preview because everything else works as it should when it is off. I would like to understand why the preview is causing this issue because I really like this feature in the 3.0 version and just turning it off doesn't seem like a proper fix. This is the only time I have ever experience this with my computer in the 9 months it has been in operation. I can render at 100% usage and never hear a grind noise. I can run games at full GPU usage and hear no noise. I can render and run games (with massive lag), but still no noise. Moving objects in the viewport or doing anything else will not cause the CPU spike and noise unless it directly effects the way the simulation looks in the viewport with GPU Preview enabled.

    Here are my relevant specs:

    CPU: i7-5960x @ 3.00Ghz
    GPU: Quadro M4000
    Motherboard: X99-A
    RAM: 60GB DDR4
    Windows 10
    Max 2017 SP2
    VRay 3.40.02
    Phoenix FD 3.00.01

    As for the scene I have created the same scene about 5 times just to make sure, I can upload it if needed but its just a sphere with any Phoenix FD setup, a VRay Sun and GPU preview enabled. Simulate to 100 and notice a CPU spike and noise with each frame elapsed for example 01 and then move around the light or scrub the scene to experience example 02.

    I wish there was a better way to describe the noise, I would have never noticed this if it was not for how loud it was (I can try and record). If you google similar CPU noises people point to all sorts of failures from motherboards to power supplies; I don't think this is the case. For now I am just disabling the GPU Preview. Any reason as to why there would be such a high CPU draw for updating a GPU preview in the viewport?

    Thank you in advance.

  • #2
    i really doubt that we can figure it out, i suppose even the designers of the motherboard and the processor can't answer without physical investigation.
    VRScans developer


    • #3

      Only thing that I can think of is something we found recently - we figured that we can improve the viewport performance of the viewport GPU preview and this will make it redraw less often than it does in 3.0. So, when this is changed, it could make it better for you as well... Currently is it getting any better if you increase the 'Detail Reduction' in the Preview panel?

      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


      • #4
        Not a problem, I just wanted to mention its was something I noticed. Everything else works as it should its just the GPU preview seemed to create the CPU spike and noise. I don't think there is any physically wrong with the computer, I have not been able to test it out on other computers. I'll just leave GPU preview off during simulation and set up for now.

        Thank you for your input.


        • #5
          Thank you for the tip. It looks like it resolved it for the most part.

          At about 30 my simulation was invisible, so at about 20 you could make the shape of it. I moved around the light and scrubbed the time line; no CPU spike or noise. I kept moving it down by 5 and while moving the light and scrub the timeline. no spikes or noise. I had task manager and speedfan open and I didn't go up. When I got to a detail reduction of 3 the CPU usage did start to register but there was still no noise.

          This was my results when moving the light or scrubbing the timeline:

          Detail Reduction 4: CPU usage 7%, No noise
          Detail Reduction 3: CPU usage 13%, Barely audible noise over the fan
          Detail Reduction 2: CPU usage 21%, Faint noise (like a hard disk tick during a save)
          Detail Reduction 1: CPU usage 32%, Slightly louder
          Detail Reduction 0 (off): CPU usage 50%, Very audible noise (Cat thinks something is in the computer)

          Even just having it set to 1 made a big difference and also removed the viewport lag. So that is pretty good.

          Thank you for suggesting the Detail Reduction option. I will probably leave things at 1 or 2 from now on depending on the simulation size.


          • #6
            Glad this helps work around it I hope for the next revision the problem will be gone.

            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              just a suggestion with low probability to work - if you have free "flying" power cables, bind them together with a cable tie, there is a small probability the sound to be caused by the current peaks in the cables.
              VRScans developer


              • #8
                I was going to open it up today to add a new hard dive so I will tighten up the cables while I'm at it. Thank you guys for all your input.


                • #9
                  Cheers and happy simming
                  Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

