Hi There
I made successfully lots of Ocean simulation tests and they were ok and rendered very well
but to my surprise , after setting up everything for my final scene,
, I had an animation result that looked quite weird and dreadful !
I am sharing my settings :
(a separate rendered frame and you tube link of the animation atached )
Please help , I need to fix this simulation asap and have to use a Render farm,
also my 3ds Max 2017 scene is 62 gig , isn't this too much even thougth that
we are supposed to have heavy big files for ocean simulation ?
Iam using waveforce and Phoenix Ocean displacement
and here is you tube link with the flickering animation :
Please help asap, as I need to fix the simulation and also send it to a Render farm
to reach a deadline, I can upload the huge file if needed.!

It may have happenned , because I used phoenix as liquid source and it was not necessary
I made successfully lots of Ocean simulation tests and they were ok and rendered very well
but to my surprise , after setting up everything for my final scene,
, I had an animation result that looked quite weird and dreadful !
I am sharing my settings :
(a separate rendered frame and you tube link of the animation atached )
Please help , I need to fix this simulation asap and have to use a Render farm,
also my 3ds Max 2017 scene is 62 gig , isn't this too much even thougth that
we are supposed to have heavy big files for ocean simulation ?
Iam using waveforce and Phoenix Ocean displacement
and here is you tube link with the flickering animation :
Please help asap, as I need to fix the simulation and also send it to a Render farm
to reach a deadline, I can upload the huge file if needed.!
It may have happenned , because I used phoenix as liquid source and it was not necessary