In my scene I have created two liquid sims, one positioned above the other on the Z axis. There is a small overlap for the top one (PhoenixFDLiquid002) to 'fall' into the lower one (PhoenixFDLiquid001). In the overlap is a geometric cutout in the ceiling that I want the water flowing through into the lower chamber.
Before reading the docs thoroughly enough, I assigned a Cascade Simulator to the top one and targeted the lower sim (thinking you go from source to target). After reading the docs again I realized you need to assign from target to source, so I disabled the Cascade Simulator on 002 via the checkbox, but found I couldn't change the button to 'None'. Whatever, I thought, I'll do the simulation on the top and then assign it properly after.
When the sim was done, I selected the bottom sim (001) and clicked the Cascade Simulator, then tried to target the 002 sim. It says 'Can't Make A Circular Reference' and refuses to do it. I can't right click on the button from 002 to select 'None', it is stuck on referencing 001 even though the checkbox is clear. I can't drag the None from the button above it either, it's just stuck there forever. Reloaded the scene, same deal.
Maybe there is some maxscript I can run to clear the value there?
Before reading the docs thoroughly enough, I assigned a Cascade Simulator to the top one and targeted the lower sim (thinking you go from source to target). After reading the docs again I realized you need to assign from target to source, so I disabled the Cascade Simulator on 002 via the checkbox, but found I couldn't change the button to 'None'. Whatever, I thought, I'll do the simulation on the top and then assign it properly after.
When the sim was done, I selected the bottom sim (001) and clicked the Cascade Simulator, then tried to target the 002 sim. It says 'Can't Make A Circular Reference' and refuses to do it. I can't right click on the button from 002 to select 'None', it is stuck on referencing 001 even though the checkbox is clear. I can't drag the None from the button above it either, it's just stuck there forever. Reloaded the scene, same deal.
Maybe there is some maxscript I can run to clear the value there?