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Maya 2017 / Phoenix 3.0 Beta / Force Field not working?

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  • Maya 2017 / Phoenix 3.0 Beta / Force Field not working?

    We're trying to create bullets being fired into water; ie this Houdini project:

    To create the meshes for big "jellyfish" bubbles we'll need to mesh/metaball some particles that cannot be done directly in PhxFD. Thusly, I need nParticles born from and following along the PhxFD particles.

    So, as the title suggests, the force field is not applying to the nParticles. Any idea what I'm missing?

    The steps should be as follows, unless I missed something?
    1. Sim scene with velocity output channels/particles
    2. create nParticle emitter/system
    3. create Phoenix FD Force Field
    4. connect Force Field to nParticles
    5. Profit?

    We're using Maya 2017 and Phoenix v3.00.02 Beta 2 (rev.170109) from Jan 9 2017

    Here's the file:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	forceFieldNoWorking01.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	235.7 KB
ID:	886854

  • #2
    Thanks very much for the scene! Will check what's going on.
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3

      I've tested your scene and the Force Field works, if you first run the simulation and then replay the timeline, so when Maya evaluates the field, it can use the already simulated frames.
      I've also reduced the influence parameter, because the particles reached enormous velocities otherwise.
      Can you please check if this works for you too?

      Best regards,
      Nikola Bozhinov, Phoenix FD developer

