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Liquid UVW mapping

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  • Liquid UVW mapping

    Im having trouble working out how to use the PhoenixFD particle texture to get a texture to stick to a slow moving viscous liquid sim
    In this case its a simple blend material with 2 thinwall osl maps in the reflection slots but as soon as I put it in a PhoenixFD particle texture the render looks very different.

    I have simulated with particles switched on (and selected the liquid as the particle event) and in OUTPUT PARTICLES I have checked velocity and ID

    I looked at the documentation and searched the forum but havent been able to solve it.

    This is what the still images looks like but I need the noise to stick to the sim as it moves?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	chrome.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	520.0 KB
ID:	887720

  • #2
    This is what the render with the osl tex in the particle texture looks like

    Click image for larger version

Name:	desfr.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	286.8 KB
ID:	867743

    and my settings (please note the current sim didnt have AGE checked in the particle output)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2017-05-10 21.12.21.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	516.8 KB
ID:	867744
    Last edited by squintnic; 10-05-2017, 04:16 AM.


    • #3
      I did a resim with age checked in output for particles and tried with a simple noise in a light material using the Phoniex Particle tex but it still slides around and appears stuck in place
      Is there any documentation or tips I could get here?


      also looking at this thread from 2014 about lava but cant get my head around it

      any channce of a tutorial showing how i can stick a noise texture to a liquid sim?
      Last edited by squintnic; 10-05-2017, 07:43 PM.


      • #4
        i found a thread from 2011 but it seems very different to phoenix 3

        and this one

        Downloaded and looking at the particletexture.max file still struggling


        • #5
          have made an example file showing sliding noise on a sim

          there are 2 grids - liquid02 is pointing at the particles of liquid01 which isnt renderable


          • #6
            Im guessing this is a bug or undocumented feature? I'm willing to pay someone to help me out with this!
            Please message me for details.


            • #7
              i saw in your settings that "mult. by size" is enabled, disable it, this option was added to make possible the visualization of the wetmap "drying".
              the scene in this post should be enough.
              to adjust the particle texture beter first to create simple self illumination material that shows clearly the particles as white circles, when you are satisfied by result, then add the submap (the one that is actually needed to be visualized over the liquid surface) and put the particle texture into the actual material.
              VRScans developer


              • #8
                Great thankyou Ivaylo I will try this today


                • #9
                  Hey, did you manage to work this out? We had a similar issue where the particle tex does not advect with the fluid, so it might be related...
                  Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                  • #10
                    Lol. Have I worked this out since 2013? No. And I imagine it's still not fixed. I guess we know how often Chaosgroup checks these forums.


                    • #11
                      Um... if there is demand for it, or if it's a crash, or loss of major function, it will be moved with higher priority, but you need to contact so it can be reproduced and logged. I apologize on behalf of the team if this has been causing you trouble since so long, but we need to know about it and be able to reproduce it in order to fix it. And we do want to fix everything. Please note that the forums are not a direct hotline to the developers though - if you want to make sure your issue is not lost or forgotten, dropping a mail to Support is the proper way to report it.

                      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                      • #12
                        Well said Svetlin!
                        Adam Trowers


                        • #13
                          No I couldn't get it working in the end, I tried to deconstruct the example file and properly tried to get it working but ran out of time and had to settle for a projected texture look - Ill hopefully get to revisit this scene in a few weeks
                          I'm not a TD by a long stretch so i find the settings and workflows quite abstract!


                          • #14
                            It worked in the example file but no matter how i remade it I couldn't make it work for me - so i suspect its user error


                            • #15
                              Hmm, roger that, I will apply the fix I had in mind and let you know when it's in the nightlies so you can check it when possible. Will build a new example scene for that as well.

                              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

