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Infinite Ocean

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  • Infinite Ocean

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to render a high quality ocean (4800 x2700).
    I need it for ambient renderings of yachts. No animation.
    I'm woriking with the latest versions of V-ray, Phoenix and 3DS.

    I first tried to follow this tutorial
    It works fine untill I increase the quality and resolution. Light cache takes ages to calculate and my CPU stops working after a while.
    It's a shame cause the final result was very much what I was looking for but my machine can't compute such a big complex displacement mod.

    I then tried to use, as suggested by Chaos Group assistance, the liquid simulator with OceanTexture render parameters.
    Here I have 2 problems:

    -The horizon line is very blurry, noisy, gets confused with the sky.
    I tried with higher "ocean subdivs" and "horizon roughness" but it doesn't do much and gets the rendering time much longer.

    -Second the simulation area is not detailed. Only the outside automatically generated filled area reaches the quality I need.

    I tried to move the entire simulator out of the scene but I find the same problem I had before with the Vray displacement mod.
    Very high time to create the geometry and the computer crashes even before the rendering.

    In the attached picture you can see the simulator area on the left and the PureOcean Render area on the right.
    How can I get that same quality and detail level in my big final renders?
    Is there a problem with my simulator render settings?

  • #2
    1. Are you working with the latest official version of Phoenix or latest nightly version?
    2. What's your system configuration?
    3. For this resolution you will need a lot of ram. For example I need more than 32 GB for 4096x2304 and Ocean sub.div. set to 2.
    4. More Ocean Subdivisions = More waves detail = More RAM required
    5. If you want smooth ocean horizon you should set lower value to Horizon Roughness
    6. If you want more detail in simulation area then increase the resolution of the grid

    You can always send a scene to check what's wrong.


    • #3
      Just one note - the Horizon color is controlled by the ground albedo of the V-Ray sky - it's not a Phoenix thing actually, but quite important to note.

      I am not sure I can distinguish between the simulation area and the ocean extension in your screenshot. Would it be possible to indicate where the detail is lower than expected?

      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

