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Vortex Force and PCG conservation problems

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  • Vortex Force and PCG conservation problems

    I have problems with smoke and the interaction with the vortex force in 3.05.
    I used particles to visualize the vortex and then tried to recreate it with a smoke source.

    Now when i use bufferd conservation on a low quality level (20) i get nearly the same vortex form i am aming for. On higher level the dissolving smoke is filling up the whole simulation and i can't use the result.
    What i really want is to use pcg symmetric. But here i have really big problem, the first part of the smoke behaves like it should. It rotates and gets wider. But after 20 frames the smoke still rotates but starts to form a tube and stops spreading outwards.

    As you can see in the pictures the pcg results looks much better but in the end i only can create this long tube.

  • #2
    Indeed, the vortex force is the nastiest to set up. Different conservation methods give the smoke different kinds of fluidity so they will inevitably behave better. How about adding a PlainForce in addition to the vortex, so it can keep the smoke to the right?
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      The Problem ist the Force the radial force. Moving to the right is working but i want the smoke to open up at the right too. My problem when using the pcg conservation is that the smoke is only rotating and moving to the right, but it ist not opening up at the end.
      So i would need some kind of a centrifugal force pulling the smoke apart. (sry for the drawing )


      • #4
        actually why you insist to use the pcg method? the strong conservation opposes to the external forces that violate the conservation laws, and the vortex is a good example of such a force. the buffered method has weak general strength, that's why it allows the force to work properly, but still keeps good detail level, i think it's perfect for your task.

        VRScans developer


        • #5
          Ah ok i understand. I wanted to use pcg because it looks much sharper and feels like it hase more details. And the smoke with the bufferd conservation on a higher quality level starts to fall apart because of the turbulence i use.


          • #6
            I found a way. My grid resolution was way to small.
            I simulated a base grid of 30 mill. an resimulated it up to 110, that gave me the blurry results. Now i simulated the scene with 90 mill without any resim.


            • #7
              Oh, looking very good!
              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8

