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Ocean Sim Container

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  • Ocean Sim Container

    Ship in ocean simulation in process.
    Using nightly February 4, #28010 on 3ds Max 2018 / V-Ray 3.60.04.
    Noticed that the side of the container has artifacts / depressions / holes which create a line which is not hidden with any displacement or smoothing setup I can find.
    This is frame 700, the aur file is over 531mb with 80million cells.
    Pictures with displacement off and on.
    Any suggestions? It feels like I have seen this before...

  • #2
    Hey, the one case I know of is if you have mesh smoothing enabled, Otherwise, I'd love to check the scene and see what's wrong.
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Here is the scene.
      Thank you!
      Attached Files


      • #4
        I got it to render without the container artifacts. After downloading and installed the new release on my workstation and farm, I rebuilt the scene with a new container using the old settings, and created new liquid sources, connected to cache from the recent nightly, set up new shaders, etc.
        Lesson learned is that updating a scene with the nightlies and updates to Phoenix it is also necessary to rebuild the elements of the scene from the new version. Things work better if all the pieces are current version.
        Hope you didn't waste too much time on my rookie mistake
        Wonder if there is a way for the program to perform version checks on the support pieces before causing this kind of fire drill?


        • #5
          Whew! This shouldn't happen usually since we take care to convert all old stuff to new stuff on opening a scene, but we might have forgotten something. Thanks for the heads up!
          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


          • #6
            Sorry to be a pest, but one problem solved and another pops up.
            First picture below is a screen capture of frame 300. Front of container has velocity or turbulence spawning some unexpected splash and foam.
            At this point the ship is not fully up to speed. Forward motion in this scene ramps quickly from standstill to speed as expected when the captain orders emergency flank speed.
            I tried increasing the spash threshold, but need the threshold low enough to get adequate action from the ship hull, which already has motion velocity effect set to 3.0.
            I tested once with "Fill Up for Ocean" turned off, but that created particles both inside the container and another set of particles below the container, so turned that switch back on for this simulation run.
            I've restarted this sim a few times and the issue seems to be repeatable.
            This issue was not happening on version 30502 nightly 28010.
            Good news is that the slight foam on the bow wake and the full action stern wake are looking really good, best so far and realistic as expected from this ship.

            All this is created with Version 3.10.01 nightly, Build 20180216 28052 on 3dsMax 2018/V-Ray 3.60.04.
            Scene file attachment for your use.

            Ron Porter
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Hey, this is exactly one of the purposes of the birth volumes - if you have natural particle creation in some areas you don't want, but can't raise the birth threshold. Try it and see if it helps

              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                Thanks Svetlin!
                I created a box a bit smaller than the container, linked it to travel with the sim, turned off "Solid Object" in the Phoenix props, and set it to display as box to see what happens inside.
                This box I set as splashbirth volume with fade distance of 3 inches. The thought is that the expanding ocean wake action aft of the ship will have opportunity to generate new foam and splashes.
                Have I missed anything? Guess I will see in a few hours.


                • #9
                  Looks excellent, this should work
                  Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                  • #10
                    P.S. And don't forget to put a simple black V-Ray under the simulator. It will help to tint the underwater foam correctly.


                    • #11
                      black V-Ray plane*
                      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

