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Ocean batchsim stopping

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  • #31
    Alright! Looking pretty nice!
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #32
      Originally posted by Svetlin.Nikolov View Post
      Alright! Looking pretty nice!
      Thanks Svetlin I want to make a test to sim exactly the same with a smaller cell size, just to see what/how it will change....


      • #33
        Hi again,

        I'm trying to make the same sim, but with ship twice the speed (19,4 knots rather than 9,7 knots). First attempt with same settings gives me a hell of a lot of foam (I think it was 94Million at frame 25).
        I'm reducing the Liquidsource (propellers), but I wanted to ask about tweaking the foam settings: would you tweak "foam" or "foam on hit", would you tweak "foam amount" or "threshold"? Do I have to review all my settings ? :/

        BTW: making same sim with smaller cell size (see previous post). I get off course bigger cache files, it takes longer. In a way, on the sides, it looks better. At Stern, it looks really different.


        • #34
          in such cases we always recommend tweaking just one option and then see the result. That's because If you play with several options at once then it's hard to tell what's causing the final result. So, here in your case I would reduce Count Multiplier in Particle Shader menu. That's the fastest way to see some result since the option is render time. Then let's say you're happy reducing the bubbles by 50%. This mean 50% less particles would be shaded and rendered. So, keep in mind it's a proximate look and If you reduce the Foam Amount by 50% don't expect the same look. That's why, because when you reduce the foam amount which require re-simulation after that there would be less particles to interact between each other, which means different physics between them and different result. In your case Foam amount and Threshold are the options to play with. Foam amount is for how many foam particles would be born and Threshold - how hard it would be.


          • #35
            Btw, note that as with all fluid sims, changing the cell size will usually drastically change everything. If you don't want surprises, sim at the final resolution and shrink the grid so you get less cells to sim.
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #36
              Thank you George and Svetlin,

              In fact, I played with foam amount and threshold. I also reduced to 0 the discharge of the liquidSrc of the propellers. By it's own, just the cubes used for the LiquidSrc produce enough foam. I would like to find a setting that "works" for different object speeds. Let's say I have two vessels, but not travelling at same speed, all this in the same Sim...

              Btw, not really related, but I found this interesting photo yesterday. I should try this


              • #37
                No problem. I thought the picture was your render Looks pretty nice and it's an achievable result. So, I'm looking forward to seeing some nice simulation


                • #38

                  I did another test with the same ship, but this time travelling at 13knots. Previously, it was travelling at 9knots.


                  Now, I have to make a bigger vessel

