Hi we need to make a scene by the shore where waves move towards the shore. We are following this tutorial and she has wind speed as 6 meters. The same ocean texture is also used in rendering displacement map rollout. But for some reason waves look very high but if we dont use the same texture in the Rendering map rollout then the ocean outside the grid wont match the ocean inside the grid. Thank you
Also there is a visible border where grid ends when using waveforce even though ocean subdiv is set pretty high I guess you cannot use wave force and open ocean
tutorial https://youtu.be/6s_gozLTnZU?t=3m50s
it looks like tiling for her video is set to 1 and ours is set to 0.0003 (we used phoenix ocean preset.) What is the proper tiling should be?
Also there is a visible border where grid ends when using waveforce even though ocean subdiv is set pretty high I guess you cannot use wave force and open ocean
tutorial https://youtu.be/6s_gozLTnZU?t=3m50s
it looks like tiling for her video is set to 1 and ours is set to 0.0003 (we used phoenix ocean preset.) What is the proper tiling should be?